White Privilege

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   White privilege is a society privilege that allows Caucasians to have different standards from their counter mates in the same political, social and/or economic space. It is when for example, a group of people from different backgrounds do something iffy yet the light skinned is the one to have gotten away with it instead of serving a punishment as the Asians, African-Americans and Hispanics received.

In a research conducted by the 'US Department of Education' in 2009, it analyzed the like-hood of being accepted into a college and receiving a degree. A study showed that a light skinned person is 78% more likely than his/her person of color mate to get accepted into an University being because of their racial identity. That is, when the person of color mate and the light skinned individual have the same grade point average or average overall final grade, the light skinned mate has a more likely chance to get admitted over their POC buddy. The POC buddy has a chance of only 22%!! When it comes to receiving a bachelor's degree, a person of color is way unlikely to receive the degree with a slight adjustment probability of 29%.

One that is insane is this- in another research measuring the injustice of POC's and whites, it investigated as stated, 'a white male with a criminal record, is 5% more likely to get a job over a man of color with a clean record.' Let me rephrase, white inmates have a greater chance to be hired than a POC's with NO CRIMINAL RECORD. That is incase. We get told growing up that it is difficult to find a job after you've been released from jail! Only to be surprised with an 'unless you are Caucasian'. You can imagine how pity society would have to be to allow this witchcraft to be occurring. It is disappointing.

In addition to the social injustices of the white majority and the POC minorities shown about jail time, there is an article posted from BBC News about men who performed sexual acts on a young female girl. The men had received minimum years from their unlawful cruel actions of 'drugging and prostituting an innocent fourteen-year-old'. As a user on Twitter, Coryanne, @HRH_CDC tweeted, 'Listen. The same thing happened in the Exact same city, in the same damn area of city. By BLACK Boyd and they got ten years minimum EACH.' As the article states in paragraph five, 'For three days men visited the property and paid for sex with the teenager; West Midlands Police believe about twenty men were forced on her.' The three men were given less than 10 years of jail time on a crime as mischievous as this. This is the problem. This is where 'white privilege' takes effect. Do you get it? The three men were practicing sex-trafficking' (of course the girl didn't go out of country and move around as a victim would because her time didn't last long). The three men were FULL rapists. They were pedophiles. They kidnapped and risked a child's safety for some pocket money. The three men were given the lowest amount of years in a first offense, in contrast to the black boys who got jail times of no lower than ten years each. Another user on Twitter spoke out about the situation saying; 'Five years?? Kidnapping, multiple rapes of a minor, assault, enforced prostitution, exploitation just to scrape the surface? Have I mentioned kidnapping and raping a 14-year old? Five years? And we thought OUR American justice system was broken.'. Then another user by the username of @Shahid3011 mentioned the previous user saying and I quote, 'If you're white: you get away with it'. There is no doubt that this is not being privilege because the men knew clearly what they were doing. They knew exactly what they were getting themselves into and the punishments that come with the cruel act that is, if they were to be caught. What is injustice is the jail time that each of the two groups served. It is really a social issue problem.

The following picture is another example of white privilege. It shows a simplified version of the form of white privilege that when, a casual black person in particular, does something of selling or giving food out in a property like a community park or casually being in an area, not causing harm on anyone, the law enforcements would stop by to the person assuming that they did an illegal action. While of course, if a white person were to sell or give out food in a public property the police would not expect anything.

   This is like the story of two black men at Starbucks

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   This is like the story of two black men at Starbucks. The story of when the police were called on about them by a Starbucks employee, why? It is because the black men were peacefully chilling in the Starbucks restaurant asking for customer service or as the employee would say, for 'not buying anything' Yup! The were reported to the police and asked to leave because they were looking for customer service at the store and wouldn't buy anything. And get this, the police arrived at the spot in a duration of just TWO MINUTES after the two men entered the restaurant. Think about it. In only one-hundred-twenty seconds of stopping by at Starbucks, cops had arrived telling them to leave without providing a reason why. The men hadn't even rested yet. Could you ever imagine being in the two guys' position? Could you? In comparison to Caucasians, there hasn't been any reports of an individual or group who has/have been ordered to get out of a property within a few minutes after they have entered due to minor claims.

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