Chapter 12: Mission failed.

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OKAY!!! Soon... for leaving you guys hanging for so long, i feel as if though this chapter is somewhat disappointing....

BUT! I'm going to get back into writing and posting daily, and work on some new stories! Yay!

sorry this chapter is so short... I literally have no excuses anymore... once i get back into the swing of things ill start posting longer chapters!

reader: you better... 

(also, I'm sorry some the 'i's are lowercase... my computer was like "i hate you!" and I was like, "well then..." so sorry!")

Im sorry! Okay... HERE IT ISSSSS


It was just me and Yuri. She was leaning against the balcony railing, her back arched, her hair flowing calmly behind her, and her face holding the beauty of an angel. I sat behind her on Monika's couch. I leaned forward uncomfortably, and crossed my thin legs. How am I supposed to confess? My palms began to sweat and I felt a wash of weakness over my body.

"Y-Yuri?" I said shakily, I felt like crying. This was nothing like the manga, this overflow of emotions was not described. She glanced over at me, her kind face suddenly turning to one of concern and confusion.

"N-Natsuki? A-Are you okay?" she walked over to me and sat down next to me, "you look so pale!" She gently put her hand on my forehead, "no fever, are you okay?" I looked up at her, my eyes were already wet blurring her concerned face.

"N-No! No. N-No... I'm fine... I j-just... I l-l-love the sunset..."




 I said, instantly regretting not telling her the truth. Shel looked at me, then looked at the sunset, then looked back at me. Her concerned face differed, and all that was left was pure happiness. 

"Y-Yes... its so beautiful..." she said quietly, "Just like you." My heart broke, beating right out of my chest.

"W-What?" I choked out, but wishing to all deities above that she meant it.

"For no makeup... you look good!" She said, her tone obviously teasing me, and her face in a cute guilty tone.

"B-Baka!" I said, looking down and letting the disappointment wash over me. "Don't joke around like that!" She smiled, her face tinted a shade of red.

"Sorry, you're just so cute." She said again, enunciating the word 'cute' to poke fun at me again.

"You think so?- I mean, Im not cute!" I exclaimed, clutching my fists up into a little ball, and allowing my face to heat up. 

"Well," she said awkwardly, shifting around in her seat, and looking around. "I wonder where Monika and Sayori are? They have been in the bathroom for a long time..."

"They are probably doing some weird thing only couples do..." I said, not really focusing on the meaning, but instead, focusing on making Yuri laugh. Instead she looked at me with a smug look that i though only Monika could make.

"You have quite a dirty mind!" She said jokingly, smiling happily. 

"Ah! No! T-That came out the wrong way, I-Im sorry, i just..." I put my hand on my head and looked down again. She could always make me blush no matter what? I wish i could make her blush the same way. I looked up at her, and i realized... she is blushing! Her ears and cheeks were tinted a slight red, so cute!

"Maybe we should check on the-" she said before getting CUT off by a loud Sayori and a dank Monika. 

"Hey guys! You all a happy coup-" Sayori said before being cut off by me making 'x' signs with my hands, and mouthing the word 'stop,' over and over again. Monika placed her hands on Sayori's shoulders, which somehow calmed her down. 

"Sorry we took so long in the bathroom, we were doing some weird coupley things you guys wouldn't understand..." Monika said, quickly fixing her shirt. I shot a glance over at Yuri, and she looked back at me.

"Y-You were r-right!" she whispered, her eyes wide, and her face curled into a (cute) shocked expression.

"O-Of course i am!" I whispered back, proud of myself since i impressed Yuri. I looked back at Sayori and Monika, who at this point were looking at each other, both blushing madly. Then i noticed something, Sayori's shirt was backwards and Monika's pants were different than the ones she was wearing before. "Sayori, your shirt is backwards..." I said, pointing to her shirt. She looked down at her shirt, blushing almost immediately, and fixing it quickly. I was about to paint out Monika's pants, until I heard Yuri next to me begin to speak.

"Monika, your pants are d-different... but, I-I guess the look nice on y-you." She said, looking at the two quite suspiciously. Just like me, she obviously wanted to know what they did in that bathroom. 

But my mind was much more focused on something else much more important. Something i had failed at. Something that i was determined to do now...

Confess to Yuri...

in the next 24 hrs.

Its not like I like you or anything Baka (Yuri x Natsuki)Where stories live. Discover now