Chapter 5: Have lots of fun!!!!!

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A/N: I re-watched "Your lie in April," and I forgot how sad the ending was... and I am in stitches... and I am slowly dying inside. I need emotional support, but I watch to much anime for any of my friends to be actual living beings! And I'm crying! 

But.. then afterwards I watched Citrus... so i don't know whether to feel bad for myself ... or like a sinner... ALSO I was scrolling through some anime and I saw one called YuruYuri. And the 4 characters remind me of some of other 4 characters... nah, maybe it's just my imagination.


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"What is it Natsuki?" Monika said, folding her arms.

"I-I sorta promised Yuri a before Halloween party," I said quickly. "But it will be okay, because we can surprise her in the morning!" I looked away, face flushed a bright red, how could I face her?

"T-that's..." Monika paused a bit, making the air in the room thick, and the suspense rise. "Actually a pretty good idea. Good job Nat!" She crossed her arms and looked at me with a smug face, "oh shoot, is she okay with me forcing her to throw this party?" I thought, but judging he the approval in her stunning green eyes, I relaxed.

"Yay! Okay us three have to be there early so we can plan the whole thing out!" Sayori squealed, raising her arms up in the air. Monika quickly realized Yuri was still in the room and me and her quickly hushed her down. 

"Natsuki, we will discuss this at my house, tomorrow, skip school, ten o' clock! Sharp! Sayori... your coming with me~" Monika said, shifting her attention from me to Sayori.

"Eh? Now? The club is not yet done yet!" Sayori said, pointing towards the clock.

"Oh come on, we are going to have lots of 'fun!' Sayori~" Monika said, lifting Sayori's chin to meet her eyes. Their faces moved closer together, they closed their eyes almost in sync, they parted their lips slightly as they moved closer-

"C-could you please do this somewhere else Mrs. President," a quiet voice behind me interrupted the two.  "I-I, well, I suppose it's improper to be making o-out in a literature club..."she was blushing a bit, but she had a joking but gentle smile painted across her face.

"Y-Yeah! Bakas! This is really gross!" I squealed, my brain was flashing back to dreams I had of me and Yuri. In those dreams we would- A/N:  censored censored -with- censored censored censored- and make out with -censored censored -on top of a- censored - then I would - censored censored censored censored. I trembled a little thinking about those dreams, and quickly hid my blushing face.

Monika finally seemed to realize the situation, and let go of Sayori. She quickly fixed her shirt, while Sayori was currently looking away. "Erm, I-I... uhhhhh, yes, that was improper of me to be... doing that. I apologize." She bowed her head, allowing her bangs to cover her face. 

"Errmmm Monika?" Sayori said quietly, "Maybe we should release the club early..." 

"Okay! Yeah! Club time is over," Monika announced, but she still had a red face. "You are all dismissed!" 

Yes! Now is my chance to escape this awkward situation! Yuri must of realized the golden opportunity too as she began to grab her books quickly, and bolt out of the room. As Yuri dashed out out of the club room, I followed her down the hall way. (Although I don't think she knew I was there!)

"Oh goodness that was awkward," Yuri whispered to herself as she elegantly walked through the halls of our school. I nodded to myself in agreement, as I remained silent closely behind Yuri. Suddenly, she stopped, causing me to crash into her. My forehead ramming straight into her lower neck, good thing she has a pillow of hair. 

I stumbled backwards as she stumbled forwards, "H-Hey! Watch where you are walking!" I looked up at her, she had her hand up against a wall, and was looking back at me as well. Her face suddenly flushed bright red. 

"I'm s-sorry! I didn't realize you were behind me!" She raised her hands in the air, and started to apologize over and over. 

"Okay! Fine, jeez... I get it." I rubbed my forehead a bit. She must hand noticed and she walked up towards me, placing her hand on the sore spot on my head.

"Oh Natsuki, I-I didn't mean t-to injure you..." my face heated up and my eyes widened, I quickly jumped back. 

"Yeah well whatever, are you okay? Or something," I looked away, and hid my blushing face. 

"N-No, I'm fine. Are you?" She said so gently and with so much care, it sent shivers up my spine (A/N: ASMR) 

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine Baka!" I said looking up at her worried face, before realizing how red my face was and quickly looking down again. 

"That's good to hear," she said, then began a moment of excruciatingly awkward silence. All I could hear was Yuri's breath, and my heart pounding. Then she finally said something, "h-hey, s-so I was headed to t-the bookstore... and, uh, I-I was wondering if you could come?"

"IS THIS A DATE? OMG DID SHE JUST ASK ME ON A DATE??? NO IT CANT BE! NATSUKI JUST ACT COOL AND ACCEPT THIS PROPOSAL OF MARRIAGE- I mean, date to the library." I looked up at her and rolled my eyes a bit before answering, "okayyy fine, but let's not take long or whatever okay Baka?" 

"Yay!" She said happily, and it made my heart leap, "C'mon! I-let's not be late f-for the bus!" She reached down and grabbed my trembling hand. Her hand was so soft, and held a gentle but firm grin on mine. "Hurry!" She smiled as she pulled my hand, I was reluctant at first, but I accepted it. I ended up beating her to the bus stop, she laughed and giggled, and I laughed along with her.

"I now will begin my journey. My epic journey to win over my crush! Starting today, I will try to make my way into her heart. With her birthday  coming up, she will be eighteen* and thus start a new Natsuri era!"  I thought as I followed Yuri into the bus. 

*this story occurs earlier in the game, before MC... 

Its not like I like you or anything Baka (Yuri x Natsuki)Where stories live. Discover now