Chapter 7: Devised a special plan!!!!!!!!

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I woke up to my phone ringing with texts. I opened one eye and reached over to grab my phone. I quickly typed in my password and opened the messages. There was a new group chat that consisted of everyone in the literature club except Yuri. It was titled "NATSUKI HAS A F**KING CRUSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Lilmonix: Natsuki~ hellloooo?

Saybae: She's probably dreaming about Yuri! 😆😜😄


Saybae: Hehehehehehehehe... No. 😙

Lilmonix: Lets not make her too mad!



Saybae: Okay! How about this!🤔

Saybae changes the group name to PROJECT NATSURI

Lilmonix: Noiiiiccee

NatCat: Fine.

Saybae: Yay!

Lilmonix: Natsuki? You should probs get over here... it's like 11 already. Saybae is already here!

Saybae: hehe😸😺😽😼

NatCat: Okay

I switched off my phone and placed in a extra bag I had. I opened my closet, and took out my favorite pair of night clothes, and some undies. Then, I went to my bathroom and grabbed all my hygiene stuff. I stuffed it all in my backpack along with the manga I got from the library, and my notes I had made previously. "Okay, lets do this!"

I tiptoed over downstairs, and glanced a the couch. No papa. Phew! I relaxed my muscles and walked over to the front door, carefully, I opened it and began I make my way over to Monika's house.

I hopped onto my bike (which was colored a bright pink!) and peddled down the street, passing Sayori's house, passing Yuri's house and pulling into Monika's driveway. Her house was huge. It was elegant, and completely symmetrical. It was pure white framed with high quality wood, and the doors were massive (way overkill!).

I hopped off my bike, parked it against the wall, and kicked the stand into place. I walked over to the door, ringing the doorbell a few times. I was soon greeted by a bouncing Sayori, and a equally excited Monika.

"Yay! Your here!" Sayori squealed, grabbing my wrist and pulling me inside. I only got a moment to look around me before Monika turned off the lights.

"W-Wha? What are you guys doing?" I said, actually a little scared. I was pushed down into a chair, and time passed. I heard shuffling and paper, and grunting. It most of been a good fourth seconds before the lights flickered on to reveal...

Both Monika and Sayori had sunglasses on, they were in weird positions - Sayori was kneeling with her hand on her chin, and Monika was doing the splits while doing something that looked like she was sneezing and trying to act like bolt -. In between them, they had a poster that said "Project Natsuki X Yuri!! #OTP."

"Wut-?" Was all I could say before they started talking.

First Monika stood up, "Natsuki... Sayori and I have devised a special plan! To help you win over Yuri's precious heart!" She ripped the poster off the wall to reveal yet another poster under that with a pretty well drawn comic on it.

"First! We play truth or dare! Annnnddddd me and Monika* will try to get you two to eh-hem... do some rooommannnttiicccc things," Sayori wigged her eyebrows.

"After that, we will watch Yuri's favorite horror movie!" Monika said, pointing to a part in the comic. "Then we will go on the balcony, and me and Sayori will pretend to ditch you two, then you can confess your love!"

"Then afterwards, you will get in bed annnd have-" Sayori was quickly cut off by Monika's hand covering her mouth. Soon, silence enveloped us, Monika and Sayori desperately awaiting my reaction.

"Erm..." I began, not really knowing what to say, "BAKA'S! I-I-I GGGGRRRR!" I crossed my arms, and did my best to hide my face.

"Yay! She likes it!" Sayori jumped up, clapping and high-fiving Monika.

"I-I NEVER SAID THAT!" I shouted, getting even more flustered and embarrassed. Monika just glanced over at me with a smug look on your face.

"TSUNDERE! You think you can fool us!" She said, shaking her head and wagging her finger at me, "We've known each other for what? Three years, and you think we don't know you always mean the opposite of what you mean!"

Sayori raised her hands in the air, "Amen!"

I stuttered a bit before giving in, what was even the point of fighting them? Maybe it would be best if I follow them. I know nothing about love and confessions! They are girlfriends!

"F-Fine, I will follow your plan. On two conditions!" I stood up, puffing out my chest and folding my arms. "You will not give Yuri the slightest hint I like her! If she even has the slightest hint! You both are dead. Also! You cannot force anything onto us! Or make her do anything that she doesn't want to, it's only a crush! MY CRUSH, not yours!"

"A crush?" A unfamiliar voice echoed through the room. No. That voice was very familiar, soft, gentle, calm, and so utterly beautiful. I turned around quickly, to find Yuri staring at us through the front door.

"A-Ah! Yuri!" Monika said behind me, tearing off the poster from the wall and rolling it up. "Y-You're early!"

"A-am I interrupting something?" She said, taking a step back and looking around. I realized how stupid we probably looked like, "AHHH so embarrassing! JUSTACTNORMAL!

"No Yuri! Come on in!" Sayori said, walking up to her, and pulling her inside. "We have drinks and snacks!"

"O-Oh, okay." She smiled sweetly and began to follow Sayori into the kitchen. I got up out of my chair and followed the three, not wanting to be left behind.

Once we arrived at the kitchen, we sat and settled down at a round table with drinks in hand. Yuri was surprisingly the first one to speak up, "s-so, when I first entered the house, I-I heard Natsuki d-describing a crush? Who?"

Its not like I like you or anything Baka (Yuri x Natsuki)Where stories live. Discover now