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"I love you so much mom. I'm really really proud of you."

Madeline hugged her mother tightly, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

"Thank you sweetheart. I love you too." Carrie kissed the top of her head before she pulled away. She stood up straight, smoothing her dress out. The tight dressed hugged her body perfectly. "Have fun today with Leona. Be safe. Call Ivey if you need anything, she'll have her phone with her."

"We will." Madeline smiled. She took her mom's hand and squeezed it. "Go kick ass today mom. I know you can do it."

"I love you." Carrie kissed her forehead again. "I'll see you tonight."

Carrie picked up her purse and followed Mike to the front door.

"Ready?" Mike offered his hand out to her. Carrie cupped it tightly as she followed him out the door.

"Not really." Carrie swallowed. Her heels clicked against the sidewalk as she walked behind Mike to the car. He opened the door, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Do you want to go over anything? Talk through anything you're going to say again?" Mike asked, putting the car into reverse and backing out.

Carrie shook her head. She twiddled her thumbs anxiously as Mike drove-the only sound being the radio playing quietly. Twenty minutes went by in silence until Mike pulled into the parking lot of the courthouse.

He put the car into park, turned the car off, and shifted towards Carrie. He placed a hand on her thigh and took a deep breath.

"I know that this is hard, and today is going to be painful and emotional for you. I wish more than anything that you didn't have to go through this, but this is the best decision. He needs to know that what he's done is not okay and he needs to suffer the consequences. You have to take all the hurt and anger and pain that's built up and let all of it out. I know you're afraid, but I also know that you are strong and you can do this."

Carrie bit her lip, feeling tears well up in her eyes.

"Say it with me Carrie." Mike took her hand. "I can do this. I'm strong and I'm capable. I can do this."

Carrie repeated his words, her voice shaky and unconfident.

"I love you so much. You're going to do great." Mike squeezed her hand and leaned forward, kissing her forehead softly. "Come on, we can do it."

A small grin escaped from Carrie's face. She stepped out of the car after Mike, taking his hand to walk inside.

"Just remember, get through the next eight hours and we can go home, eat a nice dinner, have a big glass of wine, and get a fabulous nights sleep knowing that he's locked up in jail and you finally stood up for yourself and destroyed him." Mike wrapped his arm around her as they walked, squeezing her shoulder.

Carrie grinned widely, her cheeks turning red. Mike smiled, knowing that she felt a little better.

"Thank you." She smiled. "I can do this."

"You can do this." Mike stopped her before they reached the steps of the courthouse. He cupped her face and kissed her passionately. "I'm so so proud of you. Let's go kick ass in there."

The next six hours went by painfully slow. Carrie spent almost three hours straight on the stand.

She recalled night after night of Sam's abuse, explaining the situations behind each picture she had, plus many more events that had happened before she began documenting it.

Mike could see the physical and emotional toll it was taking on her, but she hid it well. While she got emotional often, she carried herself well and remained strong. She refused to let his lawyer beat her down, no matter how hard he tried. She remained firm and confident in her words and didn't let him shake her.

Ivey also spoke, recalling what she knew at the time of the abuse and how Sam had acted towards her in public. Following Ivey, Sam's best friend spoke kindly on his behalf, explaining how Sam was a good guy, that nothing was true, and things had been blown out of proportion.

While Sam spoke, Mike watched his wife closely from the front row. He was sick to his stomach listening to him lie through his teeth, fooling the judge with his charming fake personality. He could see Carrie squirming from her seat, trying to keep herself together as he told lie after lie.

Finally, the judge and jury left to discuss, and everyone sat silently waiting for the decision.

"I don't think Carrie's breathing." Ivey whispered, leaning closer to Mike.

"I know. She's close to a panic attack. I can see it." Mike responded, shaking his head. "I don't know what to do."

The room was completely silent as everyone awaited the return of Judge Mason with a conclusion. Carrie sat shaking in front of them next to her lawyer, just feet away from Sam.

"Why can't we go up there? Why aren't we allowed to speak?" Mark leaned over and asked.

"I don't know. I've never been in court before." Mike shrugged. "Hopefully he'll be back soon or she might bust."

"What do you think he's going to get? You don't think he's going to get away free, right? His lawyer was really good." Ivey whispered.

"No. They have a positive rape kit-even if he disregards all of the abuse, he should still get at least a couple years." Mike spoke confidently, even though the knot in his stomach said differently. Ivey was right, his lawyer was incredible. "They better not let him walk free. If it were up to me, I'd lock him up for life. I can't imagine the day that he gets out. Carrie's never going to sleep again."

Ivey sighed. "This is ridiculous. It's been twenty minutes."

Just as she spoke, the door opened and Judge Mason reentered the room. Everyone rose, sitting back down once he he was seated. Mike, Mark, and Ivey sat nervously beside each other, their hands sweating with nerves. They knew Carrie was seconds away from a panic attack. She couldn't handle the suspense.

Mike felt Ivey take his hand. His eyes were glued on the judge in front of him, but he squeezed her hand tightly.

This was it. He either walked free, or finally got the punishment he deserved fifteen years ago.

Here we go.

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