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"Have fun babe, we'll be rooting for ya."

"You too. Sing beautifully as always." Mike replied, a smile on his face.

"We'll see you in a few days." Carrie rose onto her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I love you." Mike cupped her face and kissed her softly. He was leaving for a game and would be back in three days.

"I love you too. Be safe." She kissed him once more before stepping back from him. She watched him turn around, walking down the two porch steps and down the sidewalk to his car.

"Call when you get there if you can!" She shouted. She blew him a kiss as he threw his bag in the backseat. He blew one back, then slid into the car and shut the door.

Once he left, Carrie went to the grocery store and the drug store before picking Madeline up from school. Carrie had a show at the Opry that night and had promised Madeline a girls night at a nice restaurant beforehand. Soon after they got home, they both diverted to their separate rooms to get ready.

"When you finish, can you come do my hair?" Madeline appeared in the doorway, peeping her head into the bathroom. Carrie was sitting in front of her vanity doing her makeup.

"Of course. I'm almost finished." Carrie smiled.

"Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and start on my makeup. I'll be in my room."

Carrie finished her makeup, put a final layer of hairspray on her curls, and walked down the hall to her daughter's room.

"You look beautiful." Madeline smiled. She turned around, setting her beauty blender down on her vanity.

"Thank you." Carrie grinned.

"You're not wearing that, are you?" She laughed.

"Shut up." Carrie slapped her arm. She still had on a button down and jean shorts. "I'll get dressed right before we leave."

"Good." She laughed. She sat back down in the chair, facing the mirror. "Can you curl it and then braid the front pieces back?"

"Yes ma'am I can." Carrie smiled. "What are you wearing?"

"I don't know yet. I can't decide between those two dresses on the bed. Which do you think?"

"Hmmm." Carrie looked at the two sundresses on her daughter's bed. "I like the pink one. It'll go well with my dress too."

"Okay, I'll wear that one and my white wedges."

"Perfect." Carrie grinned. She picked up the curling iron, switching it on to a high setting. Once the green light appeared, she began curling her daughters long blonde hair.

"Hey mom?" Madeline broke the silence as Carrie curled her hair.


"Do you ever think about where Sam is? What he did after we left?" Madeline asked hesitantly. She was always nervous to bring him up in fear of how Carrie would react.

"Sometimes yeah." Carrie answered honestly. "A lot actually."

"Do you think he got remarried? Had more kids?"

"I don't know." Carrie sighed. She took a deep breath. Talking about Sam made her heart beat faster. She got nervous for some reason. His name caused an uneasy feeling in her stomach. "If he has, I hope he's changed."

"Have you talked to him or seen him ever?" Madeline asked. They rarely ever talked about Sam, but Madeline still had so many questions.

"No. We didn't even speak during the divorce. I haven't spoken with him in person since the night I left. Our lawyers did it all." Carrie explained. "And I hope I never do. I'm not sure how I would react."

"I'm sorry Mom." Madeline frowned. She could see her mother's mood change as soon as she'd mentioned him and instantly regretted it. "That he put you through so much. You didn't deserve that."

Carrie forced a fake smile to her face and shrugged. "It's alright. We're okay now, right? That's what matters. Who cares what he's doing anymore. We're doing just fine without him."

Carrie squeezed Madeline's shoulders in a reassuring way. She hoped Madeline couldn't see through her.

Madeline smiled. "I love you Mom."

"I love you too bug." Carrie kissed the top of her head. "Come on, lets finish up. We need to get moving soon. Hand me a couple bobby pins please."

Carrie braided her daughter's hair back, watching her put eyeliner on from the mirror. Fifteen years and Carrie could still cry every time she looked at her. Carrie saw so much of herself in Madeline and she couldn't be prouder of the young woman she'd become.

"All finished." Carrie snapped herself out of her daze, shaking away the tears that had subconsciously began to form in her eyes. "You look beautiful."

"Hi my beautiful flower girl!" Carrie exclaimed, stepping into the narthex of the church.

"Mommy you look like a princess!" The seven year old girl's face lit up at the sight of her mother.

"Thank you sweet pea." Carrie grinned. "So do you!"

Carrie bent down, careful not to wrinkle her large white dress.

"Are you excited?"

"Yes! I've been practicing lots! Ivey says I'm the best flower girl she's ever seen!"

"Well she's exactly right!" Carrie exclaimed. Her wide smile was permanently stuck on her face for the day. She'd never been happier than she was at that exact moment.

"I love you so much, you know that?" Carrie's finger lightly caressed Madeline's cheek.

"I love you too Mom." Madeline smiled.

"You're always be my girl, no matter what. Marrying Mike doesn't mean I love you any less or that you are any less important to me. You still have the biggest piece of my heart and you always will. I'm so proud of you and I love you so much." Carrie's voice cracked as she held her daughter's hand. She noticed how beautiful and grown up she looked in that moment. She had a beautiful white dress on. Her blonde hair was loosely curled and pinned back with a silver clip. She had the tiniest touch of makeup on, making her look older than usual.

Carrie pulled her daughter into her arms, holding her tightly as she fought back tears.

"I love you babygirl. Don't forget that." She whispered, kissing her forehead multiple times.

"Mom! Are you crying?" Madeline turned around, throwing her hands in the air and laughing.

"You're just growing up too fast on me." Carrie frowned, wrapping her arms around Madeline's neck from behind. "I'm just so proud of you for everything."

"Stop." Madeline gave her a look. "We can't ruin our makeup."

Carrie giggled, pulling Madeline in for a hug. She kissed the side of her head.

"I love you. Come on, lets get dressed. We need to head to dinner soon."

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