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"Don't you ever disrespect me like that again Madeline Grace!"

Sam screamed, shoving the three year old blonde into the wall behind her.

"I am your father and you will respect me young lady, understand?" He was bent down so that he was face to face with her, holding her against the wall as she cried.

"Understand?" He repeated, screaming in her face.

"I'm sorry." Madeline nodded frantically, tears streaming down her face.

"Now go clean up the rest of your stupid toys. I don't want to hear another word out of that mouth." He shoved her down to the ground, standing up and walking away.

Carrie stood frozen on the other side of the living room. Her blood began to boil. The anger that had built up over the past two years had reached its capacity and was about to all blow over at once.

"Don't you EVER touch my daughter like that again." Her voice rose with each word she spoke.

"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it? Are you gonna try to hit me back?" He chuckled, walking over to his wife.

"Get out of my house." She demanded. "And don't come back."

"Yeah right. You can't kick me out of my own house. You're just a worthless little bitch." He emphasized word of the last sentence, practically spitting on her.

"I'm done with you. I'm done with your abuse. I've put up with you hitting me, screaming at me, forcing me into bed with you, and making me feel like nothing day after day for TWO years." She screamed. She'd never had this kind of confidence to confront him. "Now get out of my house, and don't ever come back or I won't hesitate to turn you and all the pictures I've collected of your abuse into the police and throw your filthy, dirty, evil ass in jail. Now get out of my house."

The two had a stare off for five seconds. Sam was waiting for her to break down like always, but she didn't. She remained strong, refusing to crack. This time, Carrie wasn't joking around.

"You'll regret this later." He stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

She froze, staring at the door long after it had shut.

"Mommy." A small voice muttered, pulling Carrie out of her daze.

"I'm right here baby." Carrie rushed to her daughter, pulling her into her lap. "It's okay."

Madeline sobbed into Carrie's arms, clinging to her and gripping her shirt.

"It's okay, it's okay. Shh. Mommy's got you." She rocked back and forth, running her fingers through her daughters blonde waves.

Tears filled her eyes as her brain began to process what had just happened.

She had been married to Sam for 4 years. She'd gotten pregnant less than a year after they got married, and as soon as Madeline was born, he'd started getting abusive.

Ivey had found out 3 months ago. She'd caught her in the middle of a lie about another bruise. She'd begged Carrie to leave, but Carrie couldn't gain the courage to do it. Not until today, when she saw him hurt her daughter.

"I'm sorry sweet girl. I'm so sorry." She whispered, kissing her daughter's head multiple times. "I promise he won't ever touch you again."

Madeline finally fell asleep in Carrie's arms after she stopped crying. Carrie carefully stood up, laying her down on the couch and covering her with a blanket. She kissed her forehead, sighing loudly. She looked around the house, which suddenly seemed a lot quieter and emptier.

Now what?

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