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"She's upstairs asleep."

"How is she?" Mike asked, sitting down on the couch beside Ivey. They'd gotten home from the hospital about 45 minutes ago. Carrie had fallen asleep almost instantly, so Ivey waited up for Mike.

Ivey took a deep breath, clasping her hands together.

"Mike, Carrie went through a lot with Sam. She went through things that neither of us will ever understand. It took a lot out of her. She truly believed that she was worthless for a long time. She let him beat her down to nothing. He destroyed all of her confidence. It took years for her to become the Carrie that you know again." Ivey spoke softly. "Seeing him again tonight brought up a lot of those feelings, feelings you don't even know about. You have to be patient with her and let her work through this. You're going to see a side of her that you haven't seen before."

Mike nodded. He took a deep breath, leaning on his elbow that rested on the arm of the couch.

"I don't even know what to say to her. I don't know how to make this better."

"Nothing you say or do is going to make it better. All you can do right now is be patient and let her heal. What she needs from you is to be there for her. To hold her when she cries and remind her that it's going to be okay, but not baby her and treat her differently. She's going to need you now more than ever, even if she doesn't know it."

"Thank you so much for everything Ivey. Thank you for being there for her tonight. I have no idea what we would do without you. You're a lifesaver." Mike said, taking Ivey's hand.

Ivey smiled. She put her other hand on top of Mike's. "You know that I love all of you to pieces. I'd do anything for you."

"Thank you so much." Mike hugged her. "You should go home. You need some sleep."

"Are you sure? We don't mind to stay."

"I Promise. We all just need some sleep. You and Mark need to go home and get some rest yourself. It's almost 6 in the morning."

Ivey stood up, Mike following suit.

"Oh, also, Madeline doesn't know that Carrie was raped. Carrie doesn't want her to know. She doesn't want her to blame herself for it." Ivey added. "So she's probably going to put up a front and try to pretend like this didn't happen. Make sure she gives herself time to heal and process behind closed doors. She can't just ignore it."

Mike nodded. "I will."

Mike followed Ivey upstairs, standing in the doorway while Ivey gently woke her husband up. Madeline was sound asleep against him.

Mark slid out from under her, carefully placing a pillow under her head. He and Ivey walked out, quietly shutting the door behind them.

"How is Madeline?"

"I think she's going to be okay. She was just scared, but once she calmed down she was alright. I think she's just shaken up more than anything. I think she'll be fine."

"Thank you so much. Tonight would have gone so differently if you two weren't here. I appreciate you so much."

"Mike, you know we're always here for you guys no matter what. I'm glad I could help." Mark hugged Mike, giving him a manly pat on the back.

"Go get some sleep. I'll call you later. Thanks again." Mike smiled. He escorted them out, locking the front door behind them.

He walked back upstairs, quietly entering his bedroom.

Carrie was sound asleep in bed, curled into a ball under the covers. Mike bent down and lightly ran his fingers over her forehead.

Carrie fluttered her eyes open, a small smile spreading across her face when she saw Mike. Her eye was almost swollen shut and had already turned black and purple.

"Hi princess." Mike whispered, smiling at his wife. He pushed her blonde locks away from her face, tucking them behind her ear. 

"Hi." She croaked, her voice weak and barely audible. "You're here."

"I'm here." Mike took her hand and squeezed it. "I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier."

"It's okay." Carrie said, but Mike knew it wasn't. He could see the pain in her eyes.

"How do you feel?"

"A little better now that you're here." She grinned. She scooted over, patting the space beside her. "Lay with me."

Mike slid in beside her, snaking his arm under her so that he could pull her close. Carrie cuddled up against him, letting her head rest on his shoulder. She immediately felt safe in his arms.

"I'm so sorry Carrie." He played with her hair, knowing that it helped her relax.

"Shhh." She said softly, snuggling closer to him. She placed her hand on his chest, grabbing his and squeezing it. "Just hold me please."

"I love you so much." He whispered, kissing the top of her head. He lightly rubbed Carrie's arm, his fingers dancing up and down.

Carrie fell asleep quickly, exhausted from the events of the night. Once Mike knew she was asleep, he let his eyes flutter shut and fall asleep himself.

"Mom? Dad?" Mike awoke to Madeline's quiet voice. He opened his eyes and saw her standing in the doorway. Although she was fifteen, she looked so small and vulnerable in the doorway at that moment. Mike could see the toll the night had taken on her.

Carrie woke up when Mike moved, fluttering her eyes open to see her daughter.

"Come here bug." She said softly, putting her arm out to her. Madeline crawled into bed, sliding over to the middle where Mike and Carrie laid.

"Are you okay?" She said, her voice raspy.

Carrie nodded. Madeline rested her head on Carrie's shoulder, scooting close to her mother. "I'm going to be just fine. Don't you worry."

"I'm glad you guys are home." Madeline whispered. "I missed you when I woke up."

"I know." Carrie kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry. Just try and go back to sleep, we're all here now. Everyone's safe."

Madeline's eyes fluttered shut as she snuggled up against her mom. Carrie rubbed her back, holding her tightly. A tear slid down her face.

"We're all gonna be okay." Mike whispered, taking Carrie's hand. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. Carrie held his hand tight, squeezing her eyes closed to stop her tears.

They laid beside each other on their backs, hand in hand, staring at the ceiling in silence.

"Stop thinking so much." Mike whispered, leaning over so that his face was hovering over hers. "Just let yourself relax. You need some rest."

Carrie nodded. She took a long deep breath, releasing all the toxic thoughts in her brain. She smiled softly.

"Thank you."

Carrie squeezed her husband's hand, pulled Madeline closer, and let her eyes flutter shut again.

Things would be okay.

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