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"Gray-Sama!!!" Juvia chirps happily as she runs towards Gray. "Yes?" Gray tone with his usual icy look and turns toward Juvia. When she reaches him her smile grows a bit.

"I made you this!" She says handing him a Small piece of blueberry cake she had somehow managed to make after completely destroying her kitchen. "Cake?" Gray Asked confused.

"Mhm!" Juvia Said And looked at him with a happy expression hoping he likes it. "Uh..." Gray Said while taking a bite before his face turns blue. Obviously she didn't make it correctly cause he immediately spit it out.

"You didn't like it?" Juvia Asked while on the verge of tears. Everyone in the guild narrowed their eyes at Gray as a way of telling him not to make her cry. "No It Was So Good I couldn't even finish that one bite it filled me up." Gray lied.

"Yay!" Juvia Said happily while hugging Gray before skipping off to rub it in Lucy's face, even though Again she doesn't like Gray.

I think this is way better than the other two versions....My friend helped me make it. It's really cute in my opinion.

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