For Good

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There's a knock on the front door and Carmilla harrumphs from her blanket burrito nap on the couch.

Laura sighs and gets up from the kitchen counter. "Gee, which one of us got injected with a lethal amount of poppy, again?" she teases.

Carmilla's head pops up from under the blankets, a pout in full force. "Wait, you're right, I'll answer the—"

She fails to untangle herself from her blanket as she stands up, and falls down.

"Mmm, you're lucky I didn't fall in love with you for your gracefulness," Laura replies, giggling when she's met with a glare among a pile of blankets as she heads for the door.

Carmilla teleports in front of her and Laura's mouth drops open in offense. "Cheater!"

She and Carmilla run for the door and both grab the door knob, turning it together at the same time with laughter.

Both of their faces drop at the sight of the visitor.

"Damn. Should've left your ass to freeze out there," Carmilla grumbles, crossing her arms and glaring at the Dean.

"You'd better not," Mattie growls from behind the Dean. "Or I'm gonna second-guess my decision to be courteous and not have Ginger teleport Mommie Dearest into the middle of your living room."

Carmilla chuckles and steps aside to let them in.

"Nice to see you're still not in an eternal coma," Mattie comments to Laura.

"Trying very hard not to be," Laura replies. "Nice to see you talking in full sentences."

Mattie laughs and she looks at her and Carmilla gratefully.

Before sentimentality gets the best of her, she lets out an overdramatic sigh and clasps her hands together. "Well. The Dean's full confession yesterday in Emerald City to the Ozians is being broadcast across the land in every castle, hall, and school. And Laura's testimony for Carmilla's innocence and non-wickedness afterwards, too, of course. If anyone was skeptical that the Wonderful Wizard of Oz was a crazy schemer, Laura's earnest words and beloved reputation throughout the land put any doubt to rest. So we should be done with damage control."

Laura and Carmilla look at the Dean expectedly.

"Before I... go," the Dean says slowly, "I know that what I've done is unforgiveable. And I don't have any excuses, or..." She sighs. "I guess that's why this punishment is so fitting."

Laura and Carmilla share a look and Laura clears her throat. "We're not absolving anything you've done. There is no forgiving it or excusing it. But we spoke about it and I guess, given all you'd gone through... W-we can understand how you were driven to this point."

The Dean visibly relaxes, albeit for a moment. "Right. Well."

"She's giving me too much credit," Carmilla grumbles. "That's all her belief."

She swallows hard and looks at Carmilla. "My greatest regret before my punishment is exacted is never having known you. And for cursing you with this skin that I used to sow hatred and fear against you." She produces a small vial from her pocket. "It's a mixture I've created with the help of that Flying Monkey that should turn your skin color back to normal."

"Actually... I do have one question," Laura says awkwardly. "Why is Carm's skin green? Is that a thing in your world?"

The Dean laughs, this one sounding more sincere than all the others. "Oh, dear. I thought it was quite obvious."

Laura and Carmilla look at each other and shrug as the Dean pulls out her broken necklace pendant.

"This used to be green. It got a bit charred after the explosion, but before that, it was a gorgeous emerald green."

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