No One Mourns The Wicked

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There's a crackle and some feedback through the room.

"You're not freeing anyone," Will sneers over the loudspeakers. "You're all staying put until Vordenberg is ready to teleport the castle and everyone in it."

Kirsch frowns. "Did the Wizard ever get that mechanism she was talking about to lock down the whole castle?"

Laura shakes her head. "The people asked for the funding that was supposed to go to that project to go to my trip to the Vegetable Kingdom. She tried to say no, but it got a little crazy. Even the palace guards agreed it'd be a better use of resources for my trip than to fortify a building that's never been under attack."

"Well, except for the attack from the Wicked Wi--" Danny catches herself as she feels Laura and Carmilla glare down at her, and clears her throat. "Right. Never been under attack."

"The only thing that can be locked down is this room," Laura says.

"So we just have to find a way out of this room," Kirsch says, running his hand along the wall. "Maybe a secret passage or something?"

"Look at you," Carmilla comments with a snicker. "Using your brain."

He grins at her and continues searching, with Danny joining him, mumbling, "Maybe there's something down here."

Carmilla turns to check on Laura and rushes over when she finds her sitting with her head in her hands. "Hey," she says in concern. "H-How are you feeling?"

"I don't think the poppy is entirely out of my system, yet." Laura winces. "Guess I wasn't kidding when I asked for five more minutes. I feel like I had a whole other brain crammed into my skull. I could really use a cookie right about now. Like, the whole tray that we baked last weekend."

Carmilla sighs and sits down beside her, letting Laura lean her head on her shoulder.

"Really scared me there, cutie."

"Sorry," Laura mumbles.

Mattie walks over with something in her hand and she gives it to Carmilla. "Dropped in. Tunnel," she says carefully. "All the trouble. Upgrading. Just to drop?"

Laura smiles up at her as Carmilla grins sheepishly and takes the pointed hat from Mattie. The same pointed hat Laura had given Carmilla during their first date at the Ozdust ballroom, which had become part of the Wicked Witch of the West's iconic look.

"Upgrade?" Laura asks. "Does that mean you managed to...?"

Carmilla winks. "Of course."

"I'm so glad you can speak again, Mattie," Laura says as she examines Carmilla's hat.

Mattie shifts uncomfortably from Laura's compliment and crosses her arms. "Can. Insult you. Again."

Carmilla lets out a snort and Laura laughs.

"You two really spent too much time together these past five years, cutie," Carmilla comments. "Mattie told me to trust my instincts, close my eyes, and leap."

Laura frowns in confusion. "I actually... don't think I've ever said that to her? I've really only said it to you and heard it from my parents."

Mattie rolls her eyes so far Laura's not sure if they'll ever roll back. "Where. Think. Mom heard it from?" She points at herself. "Me. Is f-first lesson of magic. Carmilla knew already. You knew phrase already. Never made... connection?"

Laura's eyes widen. "No."

Mattie narrows her eyes with a grumpy huff. "Always with the planning. Never actually listen to instincts."

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