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With Alucard gone to save his son and Queen from Cailean, the children were left with the remaining enemies. Oscar had dealt with Dierche, while Harold and Luna managed to take down Flare and Bonni. All that was left were for George and Ray to go after the remaining two, Dempster and Fie. Unlike the three dead ones, these two weren't easy to deal with, and their abilities had gave each of the boys a hard time.

"Has he arrived?" whispered Ray while leaning against the wall, trying to be as quiet as possible while catching his breath after all the running from their enemies.

George was peeping from behind the wall of the top floor's corridor that seemed like a maze for them. "Not yet, but he might appear at one point." he replied. Just before he could budge from his spot, a bullet flew past him, grazing his cheek at the same time, and hit the wall on the other side. The boy froze on the spot and looked at the shooter with horror.

"There you are." said the Dempster with a sinister smile while holding his FN TPS shotgun that was aimed at George. "It's pointless when I know where you're going to hide." Without waiting for a response, he aimed the shot gun and began firing the wall, forcing them to leave wall while firing back. But it was futile for them. Dempster swiftly changed his weapon to a pair of Steyr M1912 pistols, and began firing. He was quicker than the boys and able to make the bullets graze their clothes and skin before their fingers could pull the triggers. It was at that moment when the boys knew that they had to be extra careful when dealing with him, because there was a possibility that he was one of those skillful marksman who never missed a single target. Sure, they had yet to test that theory out, but they didn't want to risk their lives just to analyse their enemy, who found joy in toying them by shooting at random places that forced them out of their hiding spots due to the damage he caused.

While George was firing back at the enemy, Ray was reloading his pistol's ammunition when he noticed that Dempster hadn't landed a single gunshot wound on either of them, which was odd for a skilled marksman. If his aim was so precise, why didn't he just shoot them in the vital parts? Something was not right here. Ray quickly reloaded his pistol and looked at where Dempster was shooting, and it wasn't a pretty sight. The man wasn't shooting at the damaged wall where the boys were taking cover. He was intentionally missing them to shoot the pillar behind them so that he could create a dent that allowed the pillar to topple directly on them. And his prediction was right when the pillar began to fall onto them once another bullet hit it.

"Get back!" shouted Ray as he quickly grabbed his friend and ran away, just in time to escape the falling pillar that pulverised the wall before running as fast as they could to find another hiding spot where they could strategise their next plan.

However, there was another problem. Just when they thought the coast was clear, a blue vortex suddenly appeared next to them, and out came Fie, who attempted to slash them with his dirk. The boys managed to dodge him, and Ray fired his gun at him, but he made use of his abilities to let all the bullets fly through him when his olive eyes glowed brighter, and he grabbed the chance to punch the boy, who stumbled backwards while wincing in pain. But instead of shooting, George was watching the scene with much focus as his intense gaze burned at the man. At that moment, the boy whipped out a Beretta M9a3 and was about to pull to trigger when another blue vortex appeared. This time, Dempster stepped out with his shotgun and began firing at the boys who wasted no time to escape.

Finally, they managed to get away from the men and found another hiding spot in another abandoned room. They each took out a small first-aid kit given by Frida, who believed that each of the children should carry one. Needless to say, they were extremely grateful for her concern, as the kits had helped them a lot since their first mission. "What do we do?" asked Ray after disinfecting a fresh wound and wrapping it with bandages. "It's hard to even raise our guns and shoot them."

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