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Night fell. Light faded into darkness as stars twinkled in the sky, allowing everything to retire for the night with the full moon as its only source of light. Everyone in Hellsing, too, went to their beds to call it a day, catching up on their rest before a new day began, with only a few exceptions who were on night patrol, with the vampire youngling as one of the exceptions.

He was laid in his casket with the top opened and the other closed, allowing him to look around with wonder and not having to worry his father about him falling off while he was away. With a teddy bear clutched in his hand, he stared at the ceiling while thinking about his mother, wondering where she went. She, whom he was attached to since he felt her warmth and smelt her blood when she held him in her arms for the first time, had promised that she would return to their family as soon as possible, but she didn't, and he was starting to feel upset about it. He was only six-months-old, and barely knew what was going on. So he decided that he would close his eyes and sleep, hoping that he would see his mother when he woke up.

As he drifted off to dreamland, a blue vortex softly warped in the corner of the room, and out came a hooded figure before it closed behind them. Quietly, they walked towards the sleeping infant and stared at him, seeing that he was in deep sleep. They raised their hand and held it above him before a blue energy manifested on his palm, but they weren't able to carry out what they wanted to do when they were suddenly pinned to the wall and had a gun pointed at their head. The mysterious person looked up and came face-to-face with the enraged father of the child.

"You have three seconds to tell me what were you intending to do with my son, and where is my Queen." he demanded with a dangerous growl, baring his sharp fangs that could tear the person into pieces if they didn't answer him.

A week had passed since his lover left for a mission, and like Dorin, he was equally worried. Something was definitely wrong when she was away for too long. Their Master said it was supposedly a simple mission - to find the mastermind behind the sudden wave of ghouls invading Dailly Village. But even she wasn't able to explain the disappearance of the sorceress. He wanted to teleport to where she was, but he believed that she wouldn't be please to find out he left their son just to look for her. And who would be willing to wake up in the middle of the night to feed a hungry vampire youngling? Seras wouldn't mind, but milk was starting to run out, and he wasn't ready to consume blood. The mother needed to return as soon as possible.

Alucard speculated she was ambushed by someone, or rather, some people. There was no other explanation to reason why she was away for more than five days without sending any message to Hellsing, either through a letter or telepathy with him. The latter was, however, not possible. He tried using telepathy to contact her, but all he got was nothing. Even if he tried harder, it felt like something was blocking her mind, preventing him from talking to her. His instincts told him something wasn't right, and he needed to do something, or at least get a clue to where his lover went. And after two more days, his prayers were answered when an intruder stupidly decided to lay their hands on his sleeping son.

The hooded figure merely chuckled, with his voice giving away his identity. His raspy voice began to speak Latin, to which Alucard understood that he said, "Come now, my comrades! Part Two has failed. Now, move on to Part Three. Assault!" Just when he said the last word, an explosion suddenly erupted from above, and Alucard knew that this annoying pest had called for backup to attack the Hellsing manor, just like the Valentine Brothers did thirty years ago. He glared back at the grinning person and didn't hesitate the pull the trigger, only for the bullet to go through him and destroy the wall that he was pinned against, much to Nosferatu's shock. The man punched him across the face which much force enough to send him flying backwards until he hit the wall across the room, and quickly grabbed the baby before warping away.

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