•i'm not betrayed by the truth•

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Rebekah's eyes widen and looked thoughtful, hearing the redhead's name. "I can't stop you when you've set your mind on something." she muttered.

Imogen smiled and embraced the blonde. "In short, I'm stubborn, I know. I'll be okay and I'll be safe, I promise. I'll see you later." she said and waved goodbye before leaving.

The Immortal Being quickly arrived at the Fleur de Lis Sanatorium and saw her redhead friend standing outside the building, waiting for her.

Imogen smiled. "Genevieve!" she called out to her.

Genevieve smiled and waved at the stunning noirette. "Imogen, hurry!" she said as two women ran inside the hospital.

Imogen Avery and Genevieve, the two unlikely friends tried their best to help the patients of the flu epidemic and made each one of them herbal remedies to ease their pain.


The Immortal Being Imogen Avery, who recently found out she was a witch, and her adopted son, Marcellus Gerard were talking to police officers, sending out more troops to search the city for their missing loved ones. Niklaus and Rebekah Mikaelson.

"Search everywhere every street, every building! Don't stop until you find them!"

Imogen heard footsteps and turned, seeing Elijah Mikaelson walking towards them. She smiled at him.


Elijah smiled softly at the noirette. "Anything?" he asked.

Imogen shakes her head as Marcel turned to the older Mikaelson. "They're putting eyes and ears out everywhere. Daywalkers are working every contact we've got. Cops, dock workers, guys in the Treme. Word is out, anyone trying to earn favor with me gets a lifetime of it if they find them." he said.

"Good. I need a pen and paper. Farien, come." Elijah said and walked away with Imogen.

Marcel rolled his eyes before following after them to the study. "Hey, am I taking orders from you now, or are we in this together?" he asked, annoyed.

Elijah removed his jacket and turned to him. "Pen and paper, Marcellus. Now." he said, clearly frustrated.

Marcel rolled his eyes as he left the study while Imogen sighed and quickly went after him.

"Marcel!" she called out to him, who sighed in defeat and slowly turned to her.

Imogen raised an eyebrow. "Marcellus?"

Marcel sighed. "I'm sorry. I want her back just as much as he does, you know. The both of them." he told her.

Imogen smiled and embraced him. "All of us want them back and we will." she assured him. "Now go and get that pen and paper Elijah needs."

Marcel nodded and kissed his mother's cheek before leaving. Imogen smiled as she watched her son walk away before hearing Elijah calling her from the study. She quickly entered the room just as Elijah began stripping off his shirt.


The noirette stopped as her eyes widen in shock when she saw Elijah looking at her, shirtless. His whole torso was covered in tattooed names. She blinked, realizing she was staring intensely at Elijah and quickly looked away awkwardly.

i'm not queen || the originals [2]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz