Gladiolus x Chubby!Reader

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   You tossed your sword aside and flop onto your bed. It was another day of being ridiculed for not being able to swing the sword. Or better yet, being snickered at by the other people because you have a bit of chubbiness to you. You are a little bit chubby and people seem to think to make fun of you for it.

   You hate going to the practice with other people. Why haven't I quit yet? You think to yourself and then remember why. You like this boy...well guy named Gladiolus. He is tall and a tough guy. He kinda scared you at first and still does a bit,but you can't help but have a crush on him like every other girl. He was very handsome man with his dark hair slicked back and amazing amber eyes that you get lost in every time. 

   Sadly, though, he never notices you. That's to be expected because who would want a slightly chubby person who cant even handle a sword correctly. You look at the object and glare at it. For now though, you rest because tomorrow you get to see him again, even if he doesn't notice.

--- Next Day ---

   You fall to the ground as you were tripped by yet another person. They laugh at you as you can feel the sting of tears that threaten to fall from your eyes. "Hey, that's enough!" Someone shouted and the people scatter away like little bugs. You see a pair of boots before you and a hand being held out. Glancing up, a tiny flush makes its way to your cheeks. A pair of amber eyes stare into your e/c. Taking his hand, he pulls you up.

   "Are you alright?" He asks you, checking you over for injuries. That makes you feel a bit self conscious. You nod a bit, unsure what to say. He nods and just looks at you, which kind of makes you blush and shift where you stand. "Do you want to go and...get something to eat?" He asks, a small hopeful smile on his lips. That makes you go a darker shade of red. "Okay...I mean yes." You stutter out and leads you off. The other girls glare and you just stick your tongue out at him. 

   The rest of the day you spend with Gladiolus. It was the best day ever and every day after practice, he would hang out with you.

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