Asa Butterfield

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  This is for Legacy1012. I hope you enjoys this :3 And don't mind the mistakes if there is any ^^


  You were on set of for the new movie that is being made called 'Ender's Game' and you are a new assistant for any members that need anything. It was amazing and you were especially happy since you are going to be meeting the cast. Among the cast though is your...well...celebrity crush, Asa Butterfield. You may be acting like your true teenage self but you cant help it. He is a cute boy.

   So as you were being lead to where the cast was getting their make-up done, you were nervous. 'What is he finds me odd? What if I say something stupid or annoy him?' You have so many thoughts in your mind right now that you haven't noticed you arrived at the make-up room.

   "And here is the cast." The guy showing you around says, making you come out of your mind for a moment to greet each person. The last person you greet is your crush, Asa Butterfield. He smiles and shakes your hand. "Hello." He says to you and you smile slightly back, a light blush on your cheeks. "H-Hello." You say as you tell him you name.

   After a few months or so, everything was going smoothly. You were helping when needed by getting coffees and making sure everything goes smoothly. You were also able to get a bit closer with Asa Butterfield. But only a bit. You really wished he would notice you more than just some assistant helping. At least be his friend or what not. But since you always act like a idiot in front of him, that never can happen.

   With a long sigh, you make your way to help with the costumes. You were helping out when someone suddenly pushes you and you fall to the floor, making you twist your ankle. You yelp out in agonizing pain and clutches your ankle.

   Someone helps you up and you look over at them about to thank them then freeze. Asa was helping you. "Are you alright?" He asks you and you just stare blankly, a blush on your cheeks. He helps you into a chair and leaves you there for a few minutes and comes back with a ice pack, placing it on your sprained ankle.

   "T-Thank you..." You say softly and he smiles. "No problem at all." He says and smiles at you. Your heart skips a beat a bit. He is smiling at you with that smile of his. "I was also looking for you." He says, making you flush more. "O-Oh? Is there s-something you needed m-my help with?" He just smiles. "I was wondering...would to go out sometime for maybe some tea or a movie...?" He has a blush on his face as he asked.

   "Why me?" You ask softly. He smiles, blushing a bit more. "Well I find you adorable when flustered and you." He states and smiles. You smile back. Your crush likes you and are going on a date with him. "So, what do you say?" He looks into your eyes with his blue ones. You just smile more and nod. "I would love to."

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