No One Asked for Your Company

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   It was a day like everyday for Wilson. He was tired and hungry, and that made him weak. He hated being like this. Anything could approach him and he would be able to do nothing.

   It was beginning to get dark, and after a long day of collecting sticks, Wilson decided to go back to his fire.

  It upset Wilson that there was little to eat. His stomach growled, begging for the several berries and two carrots Wilson found earlier that day.

  He threw some logs in his fire pit, and started a fire. He sat on the grass and thought to himself. I swear when I get my hands on Maxwell I'm going to kill him.

The sun completely set, so Wilson could no longer see past the comfortable light of his fire.

He fumbled with his fingers, figuring he'd wait to eat his food; it would last him longer.

"Say pal, you don't look so good..."

Wilson's head shot up.

"Maxwell, what are you doing here?" Wilson asked, clearly frustrated.

"Oh, I'm just hear to check up on you. I don't want you dying."

Wilson turned around and was now facing Maxwell. "Then why'd you trick me to coming out here? It's obvious that I'm going to die soon."

"Not under my watch." Maxwell said, sounding like a protective but evil mother.

Wilson raised a brow, not sure if he should take what Maxwell said in a good way or a bad way. But whatever way he took it, still made him a little scared.

Maxwell must've noticed the unsettling silence, so he gained the nerve to ask, "What, are you scared?"

Wilson felt heat rush to his face. "W-what!? No, not at all, a little, maybe..." He looked down nervously.

"Look, I'm better out here alone, without you." Wilson stated.

Maxwell chuckled a little, "Oh, I know. That's why I'm here. To make you as miserable as possible."

Wilson rolled his eyes and scooted closer to the fire. He shivered and glared at Maxwell. "You just gonna stare?"

Maxwell grinned. "It's hard not to~"

Wilson's eyes widened, and blush spread across his face. "W-what do you mean?!"

"Your tiny."

"No I'm not!! Y-your just really tall!" Wilson argued.

"Stand up." Maxwell demanded.

Wilson sighed and then stood.

Maxwell looked down.

Wilson looked up.

"Okay, I see your point happy now?" Wilson asked. Before Maxwell could answer, Wilson sat back down and glared into the fire.

Maxwell sat down right beside him.

"Woah buddy, your a little too close for comfort." Wilson said as he shifted away from Maxwell.

Maxwell longingly stared at Wilson's yellow eye, for he could only see half of his face. Wilson realized and then turned to look into Maxwell's eyes.

Maxwell's eyes were cold, but warming at the same time. They were an ice blue, which messed with Wilson's insides.

Once Wilson looked at Maxwell's eyes he couldn't stop. Maxwell must've realized because he got closer to Wilson again.

Maxwell couldn't understand why Wilson was so lost. It was hard not love Wilson's eyes.

One was gold and one was red.

Maxwell wasn't sure how this happened to Wilson, but it seemed so natural.

Once both of them were done longing into each other's eyes the both looked down embarrassed.

"I'm tired... I'm gonna go to sleep..." Wilson said. And with that, Wilson fell asleep and Maxwell waited until morning.

Let me know what you thought! This actually took alot longer than I expected. Unlike my other fics, I have this one planned out so I won't need any help with ideas this time.  And I also love writing this fic, so I'm probably gonna post a chapter a day. Sad to say this story is only gonna be about 10 chapters all this length. This Chapter was really about my description of the characters. But, let me know what you think! And I love fan art so if you ever decide to draw anything from this story be my guest. Love you all My Gay Weaboos~


¡!Lucas out!¡

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