Chapter Two: A lot of Shit Happened

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((Before this Chapter even starts, This is a really long chapter so I suggest for you to grab a snack or just enjoy my really long chapter))

Tord's POV

It's been a couple of days after the thing that happened with all of us. I heard that Matt was crying so Tom got in trouble by Edd. You don't to get in trouble by Edd... He will smack you with the chanclas. It's hella scary.


3rd person POV

Tord was in his room because he was scared. Tord heard that one of the other guys got in trouble. The only other guy that moaned was Tom so Tord thinks he's gonna get the worst treatment of them all... the chancla. Tord shivered as he had that thought. Tom was trying to hide because Edd was after Tom. Tom heard that Matt was crying over the noises he was hearing so When Tom heard that Matt was crying, Tom put on some colothes and booked it and hid in the house.

Tom was shaking because of Edd. Tom might have a panic attack. "Oh no..." Tom thought. Tom's thoughts were full of him getting abused by his Step Parents. Tom curled up in a ball started to scream. "NO NO NO NO STOP STOP STOP" Tom screamed. Tom heard running as it was three people by his side. Edd had dropped the chanclas he had in his hand and Matt dropped his mirror.

Tord came to see what was going on. Tord saw Tom in the corner screaming and crying as Tom was curled up in a ball. "What the hell is happening...?" Tord asked. Edd and Matt shrugged and said that they both think that Tom is having a panic attack.

Tom's flashbacks became more real as he curled up even tighter. Tom started to cry heavily. Tom cried so badly that Tom passed out. Edd and Matt freaked out and picked up Tom and took him into Tom's room. Tord followed as he was kind of worried for Tom.

Tord shook his head as he sighed. After a Few hours Tom was okay. "Okay, so I know that you had a panic attack Tom but that doesnt mean you are free." Edd told Tom as Tom's eyes widen. Edd whispered in Tom's ear.

"Run....Bitch" Edd said as he grabbed his chanclas.

Tom started to run but Edd caught up to Tom and Started to hit Tom. Tom howled out in pain as it stung a bit. Edd stopped and got off of Tom. Tom sniffled as he looked at Edd.

"Next time, Don't scare my best friend" Edd said with a smile on his face.

Tord's POV

Edd and Matt were out again. I said I was going out again when I really wasn't.

Tom's POV

I checked around the house again and smiled. They are all out. I went to my room and smiled as I locked the door this time. I changed into a kinky outfit and went to my laptop.

I logged into my account again and started a live. "Hey guyys~ I'm back~" I said as I smiled. I took out my box and grabbed the blue one this time. I was reading the chat and I saw someone new join in... "HentaiAddict120"

Tord's POV

I joined Tom's live and I had an account this time. Tom was reading the chat. "Oh hi HentaiAddict120!" Tom said in a happy tone. I blushed slightly. "Why can't he be nice to me like that.." I mumbled. I typed in the chat "Call me Daddy~"

Tom's face changed "Really? Whyyy?" He said in a whiny tone. I giggled to myself and I typed in the chat again. "I will ship you some toys~" Tom's eyes lit up. "Alrightie!" Tom said happily.

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