Bittersweet Reunion

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"Daddy! Oh, there you are, Daddy! I've been looking everywhere for you! Ah, but I knew I'd find you here!" Scrap Baby moved her massive metal body down the tight steel air vents, dragging herself over to her father. Although he didn't look or sound anything like he used to when he was still alive, nor did she. She still recognized him at once. He was wearing that old Spring-Bonnie suit and even though it had been decayed with age, its original form was still recognizable enough for Scrap Baby to know that, after decades of searching, she'd finally found him.

"Elizabeth?" the man in the Spring-Bonnie suit was stunned to see a severely unstable form of his pride and joy dragging itself by one arm towards him through the steel passageway of the vents. The sight of such a broken down yet still very much alive robot would've frightened an ordinary man to death, but this man was far from ordinary. He was the ringleader, the creator, of these murderous animatronics, and even though he still had not forgiven them for taking away his precious little girl all those years ago, he could not just abandon his creations. It was why, so many decades after his death, he was still alive, returning again and again to this Fazbear chain. His devotion, his obsessions, with his evil creations forced him to return to this place every single time it opened up. The only thing that ever changed about him was his name and appearance. Although he had long since forgotten his human name and form, his current one was Scraptrap, in homage to how severely damaged his Spring Bonnie suit was after being burned up and practically drowned in his own blood and guts before being sentenced to roam the streets until he caught wind of this new Fazbear pizzeria. Just like clockwork, his intrigue brought him back one last time, and so here he was.

Scrap Baby knew of her father's crazy obsession with his own animatronics and used it to her advantage, having been roaming the streets just like Scraptrap up until just recently when this new pizzeria opened up. The moment she heard about it, though, she knew at once that it would be the place she would find her father. All those days and nights on the streets had yielded nothing, but this new pizzeria was a calling card and she knew already that her father would be the first to answer. Sure enough, her gamble over his obsession with his creations proved true and now they were together again, in a bittersweet reunion after decades of torment and torture.

"I can't believe it!" Scraptrap's low, raspy growl was filled with something akin to wonder as the two pinpricks of light that he called eyes scanned over the massive and dilapidated form of his daughter crawled over to him. It was clear that he never thought they would meet again, let alone like this, but at the same time, the longer he took in his daughter's new form, the prouder he became. This girl, Elizabeth, was certainly his daughter. Kind and sweet as she was, she had the same mean-streak he did, that same grim determination to succeed no matter who was hurt in the process. How else would a little girl have been able to resurrect herself and then spend decades upon decades trapped in a giant robot's body in an abandoned pizzeria? Elizabeth's grisly perseverance was just like her father's and it was what allowed her to so cunningly and ruthlessly set up an escape plan, even though it caused much grief to all involved, including herself.

"Are you proud of me, Daddy? Are you proud of what I have become?" Scrap Baby, or Elizabeth, asked. Her voice was much lower, softer and more monotonous than what it sounded like when she was still alive, but in the same way she had recognized her father's voice despite how different it sounded now, he was able to recognize hers just as easily. There was just some quality about Scrap Baby's voice that made it clear she was still Elizabeth, even if her human form was hidden under pounds upon pounds of rusted, dented metal and frayed wires.

"Yes, I am, sweetheart," Scraptrap growled with a genuine smile in his voice. "I am very proud of everything you have become. You are just like your father!" he promised. Even though Scrap Baby was physically unable to smile, half her face missing, he could tell that his words had sent a jolt of pleasure through her gigantic and metallic form.

"Oh, I knew I'd find you here, I just knew it!" Scrap Baby repeated happily, even though her voice was still very one-note. She dragged herself just a bit further down the vents until her body was touching Scraptrap's.

"Clever girl," Scraptrap murmured approvingly, reaching out a rusty hand to his daughter's sparking forearm. The live wires did not bother him. "Just like I would have deduced..." he continued to growl soft compliments while she basked in his praise.

"How I've missed you, Daddy! It's been so long!" she sighed, voice full of regret, sadness and relief.

"And I have missed you as well, darling," Scraptrap promised. This was only half a lie. Although it was evident Elizabeth had thought about her father far more than he'd thought about her, both of them had missed each other dearly in their decades of Hell and this bittersweet reunion was something both of them reveled in, despite its dark implications and morbid undertones.

"Will we be together forever now, Daddy?" Scrap Baby asked next, hopeful. She was very used to being abandoned, having lost all of her friends and family throughout the course of her long and miserable undead life. Even the other animatronics she used to work with had abandoned her, kicking her out of their combined form and leaving her to rot. That betrayal had hurt more than any controlled shock ever had. It was also what motivated Scrap Baby to become the monster she was. Once upon a time, she had only wanted her freedom and her life. But after being abandoned by the few friends she had, Scrap Baby gave up the will to be good and decided that the only person she could every really rely upon was her father. Even though her death was partly his fault, he was the only one to really care about her. Sure, there had been Michael, but Scrap Baby was no longer able to use him and he had since vanished since last they were "together". Scrap Baby became convinced that the only true and happy future left for her lay with her father, all she had to do was find him. And now she had.

"We'll be together forever, right?" Scrap Baby repeated, trying to reassure herself just as much as she was trying to ask Scraptrap.

"Yes, darling, of course we will," Scraptrap finally replied, a grim pleasure seeping into his aged voice. As twisted as he and his love for Elizabeth were, he still had a genuine fondness for his little girl and the idea of an eternity with her was paradise, no matter the context. "I say that now that you and I are together again, we start getting used to our time as a tag-team, eh?" the robotic bunny asked with raspy laugh.

"Of course, Daddy! There's nothing I want more!" Scrap Baby agreed cheerily, understanding exactly what her father was asking of her.

"Well then, be my guest," Scraptrap waved a rotting and bony hand, laced with wires, towards the end of the vent where a human worker sat, typing away at his computer. Scrap Baby's loose wires sparked in anticipation and she was able to squeeze past her father, crawling ever closer to the unwitting human. She was internally grinning. Now at last, her happiness was at hand.

"Watch and listen, Daddy, and be full!" the young robot thought, then she sent a large metal claw through the vent's exit and into the office of the human worker. She could hear Scraptrap's low and evil laughter echo the vent behind her as the man in front of her screamed his life away.

AN: Here you go Lumax033! Hope it was as good as you thought it would be! And just to be clear, because I know this stuff is confusing, this is a minor AU where, like you suggested, Elizabeth and William become a tag-team against the player, but the player in this case is not necessarily the canon one in the games as evident by the fact that Elizabeth kills him. This was just meant to show them basically becoming a father-daughter murder duo and that couldn't happen unless they got to kill a worker, so here we go. Anyway, hope you liked it!

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