It was a big spacious room, and cold air hit my face as soon as I opened it. It was crowded, around 25 people were dancing in different groupings and took me some time to spot who I was looking for. 

But there he was

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But there he was. Dancing in the middle of some guys. Suddenly I was too shy to enter, or to approach him. I gulped nervously and turned around, closing the door.

- You saw him? -Amber curiously stared at me. I hesitated for a second but nodded, with fearful eyes. -What? 

- N-Nothing. -I tried to smile. -I'll talk to him later. Seems like he is busy. -I knew that I was dying to see him and talk to him. But my anxiety spoke for me. 

- Are you kidding? We came until here! Hold on! -Amber pushed me aside and dived inside the room without hesitating for a second. 

- Amber! 

I whisper-shouted but she was already inside. I played with the ends of my shirt nervously as I anticipated for what was going to happen. All I heard from the outside was Amber's high pitched voice, other loud voices and laughters in reaction.

Ugh... Why did I even come here in the first place...

- Jungkook?

I was startled by my name being called from behind with the one and only voice I was looking forward to hearing. In an instinct I turned towards the door, seeing Jimin hyung looking at me surprised. 

- H-Hyung!-I exclaimed, gulping and sweating to the beautiful smile that spread across his face. 

He came outside the room completely, shutting the door and walking towards me. The building excitement reflected unto my face in form of a shy smile, anticipating him. 

- What are you doing here? -He giggled as he wrapped his arms around me. Thank god the corridor was empty and Amber was still inside the room, so I could hug him back and enjoy finally being with him. I let all my anxiety flow as his warm embrace made me immediately relax and give in. 

- I missed you... -I whispered shyly as I hid my face into the hug, making him giggle. He held me closer and placed a kiss on the side of my head. 

- You don't know the half of it baby...

He pulled us out of the hug, not removing his hands from my back and stared into my eyes sweetly without saying anything. My heart beat as fast as the lightening, as his beautiful eyes and radiant smile brought butterflies to my stomach. I became dizzy, not wanting to let of him until forever. 

- Are you okay? -He finally spoke, glancing at me from head to toe. 

- I miss you... -I spoke again with the shyest smile ever, pressing my lips and looking down. -You haven't been around...

Baby... -He applied pressure to my body from the back where his hands were, making our bodies touch and whispered to my ear. -I'm so sorry, you have no idea how much I miss you too... -He spoke quietly, giving me shivers in my body. I wanted to hug him again, and so much more closer this time. But anybody might come around any time. Even the closure we have right now is giving away, but somehow I couldn't pull myself out. I didn't want to. 

Touch Therapist | Jikook/Kookmin [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now