Chapter 3

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The sound of the door creaking open could be heard in the middle of the night,and because I was once again awake,I heard it as a figure slowly walked in.

They slowly closed again the door,as i was having a hard time seeing the person with my blurry vision,and they looked at me.

"Vincent,are you awake?"

The heart monitor started going a bit faster,feeling glad to hear that familiar female voice again.

"(Y/N).." I blinked,slowly getting used to it to the pain it caused."What time is it,how did they let you in?"

"Well." She awkwardly laughed,rubbing her arm."They didn't,just because it is very late at night but,I really couldn't sleep,I really wanted to see you."

She stepped closer,sitting at the chair next to the bed,placing her hand on mine.

"(Y/N),I really want to apologize,I am so sorry!" I tried to lift myself up,trying to ignore the massive pain it caused.

"Vincent please!" She placed her hand on my chest,slightly pushing me back."You aren't in a condition to get yourself up,it may cause some of the stitches to rip open!"

"I want to look into your eyes and apologize." I slightly hissed,sitting up in the best way possible,watching her fix the pillow so it won't hurt my back.

I tried taking deep breaths,to calm myself from the pain as I looked down at myself,seeing all those needles injected into my body and the stitches all around the closed wounds.

"Oh my God."

I looked over to her and her fingers slowly caressed the stitches on my cheek.

My vision focused on her face as it was still slightly blurry.

"Look at you,still alive and breathing,with a pirate eye." She slightly chuckled,her fingers slightly closing my right eye.

"Scott said that I might lose it."

"I know,he told me."

"Did he,tell you something else?" I looked into her eyes,watching her slightly sigh before pulling her hand away from my face.

"He did.He told me about you feeling sorry about what you did,and that I actually really helped you." She gazed away,rubbing her wrist.

"Because you really did (Y/N),you helped me so much through all that mess and I am so glad that I have you by my side to help me along with the others."

She sighed.

"If you did die,then I would feel devastated.Because i was helping you every time,being your little 'psychology diary' for you to express anything and also help you.But looks like my words had no affect on you."

"No!(Y/N) I swear,what I did was my own fucking sick head,none of your fault,I appreciate and keep every word and advice you said near and dear to my heart.I can't thank you,and the guys as well,enough for this."

"Idiot.." Her voice was shaky,as in her tired eyes formed tears."We almost lost you!Look at you!"

"But I am still here,now everything is fine I promise." My hand weakly reached for hers,resting it on top.

"If you do anything like that again,I swear!" She looked away,quickly wiping the tears from her eyes,still her head hanging low.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead." I gave a light grip on her hand,groaning a bit,but covered the pain with a small smile as she looked at me.

"What did you see when you were close to death?"

I blinked,not expecting that question.

"You mean,if I saw heaven or hell?"

"That,and anything else.What did you see?" Her posture stood straight,though she leaned a bit closer,eager to listen.

"I,don't think you want to know."

"I really want to actually,please."

A long sigh escaped my pained lips,closing my eyes as images still came into my mind.

"I was screaming,screaming in pain from what I felt in that suit,screaming for help.The screaming kept going into my head,even though my voice would probably corrupt after all that.It was like I was gazing into a never ending sky,which shifted to colors black and white,and then red.But one thing that really haunts me,is their laughing.Laughing at my pain,laughing and smiling from the fact that I was finally dying,and getting to feel what they felt.But then they stopped,and they said it was time for them to go since I got what I deserved.And as the light of my ending came closer,as the light of this dark hell was getting closer to me,something pulled me back,and woke up in here."

I looked back at her,as she was clinging my hand with a shocked face.


She shook her head a bit,blinking."I am sorry,I tried to imagine this and,it's so horrible."


She suddenly interrupted me."I will make sure you will forget about this,i know it's impossible but I will fight for it,this is truly awful."

"Thank you,but (Y/N)."

"Me and the guys won't stop until this nightmare you experienced will stop existing in your mind!What do you want me to do for a start?"

"To stop gripping my hand so much because it feels like you are removing it from its place."

The smile on my lips was a really painful one,but she quickly pulled her hand away,apologizing a million times.

"You should rest,you got some story time."

"But Vincent."

"Tomorrow is another day,and I will be here,still alive and breathing.Now,better you go before someone finds you and you get in trouble.We will both rest for a better day tomorrow.Alright?"

She smiled,nodding and stood up.

"Me and the guys won't let you down again,we will try for the best!"She gave me a reassuring smile and opened the door.

I couldn't help but give a genuine smile of happiness,as I was watching her leaving,slowly with the door closing behind her.

"You had never let me down."

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