Chapter 3

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Although he didn’t fully agree, Vallon could never decline my desires. We were walking down to the torture chambers, and the only thing running through my head was how Ciarán could do this to me. How could a man I once believed loved me kill my parents and set out to kill me? I guess I was wrong to believe that he could every truly love me.

I was wrenched from my thoughts as Vallon wrapped his arms around me, and whispered in my ear, “Don’t let anything Elijah says get to you.”

“I won’t,” I promised aloofly.

The silver doors loomed before me as I walked to meet the man who could decide my fate. I pushed them open and was greeted with the metallic odor of blood and the stench of decaying bodies. I turned towards the door, which I knew would hold Elijah, and pushed it open. I stepped inside and let it slam shut behind me. Vallon knew I could do this myself. And I knew I didn’t just want this- I needed to do this.

“Well, don’t you look all grown up now?” Elijah mused sarcastically, a smirk present on his lips.

            “Aww, don’t you look like your about to be skinned alive and fed to my pet tigers? Because I hear a lot of people would like to put you in their part of my grounds.” I laughed, smiling sadistically. I was trying so hard not to walk over a punch him until death. My anger fueled the fires of my passion to see him dead, but I resisted their sinful temptations.

“You know, sometimes I think you enjoy irritating people, but it sounds more like you enjoy to hear yourself talk,” I said, withholding a smirk.

“No, I just enjoy seeing you suffer. My poor king was devastated to find out that you believed him dead and moved on to his brother. He was trying to get you back, but your parents got in the way, saying that he could never have you after what he did. All he wanted was you, yet you choose his brother. Oh, I wonder what my king will do to you. I can see it now, Vallon’s lifeless body on the floor, with Ciarán standing over him, blood glistening on the sword like water. You will cry your eyes out over Vallon, but in the end, you will choose Ciarán. You will always choose Ciarán. Ah, I cannot wait until that day comes. I am counting the hours.”

I stared at him in shock, and then cleared my head by shaking it. “You’re wrong. Ciarán betrayed me the day he killed my parents. Nothing he does will ever make me love him again. Nothing will ever change that!” I exited through the doors, once again slamming it behind me.

I rushed my way through the court yard, Vallon racing to catch up.    

            “Rhia…! Rhia, what happened back there?” He asked, gasping for breath.

            I wasn’t sure what I should tell him. The way I saw it, I had two options

One: I could say I threatened him and stormed out to make a dramatic exit.

           OR, two: Tell him the whole truth.

            I chose the latter because I thought he had a right to know. I went through and explained to him what had happened, alienating not even the slightest detail. It was hard to restrain him after he heard about his brother, but I somehow managed.

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