Death Vengeance Prologue

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         When did humanity become a race of theft, deceit, and lies? When did we succumb to bloody wars that ravaged the world? When did people start to take the fragile life of others, and find joy in it? Compassion and annoyance are one and the same; without one, you cannot have the other. They are intertwined, and yet people misuse their purposes. Kindness weaves the bond that brings two people together, while annoyance and bitterness cut it to miniscule fragments.

And once the string of fate is cut, nothing can come out of it again.

These thoughts brought me no solace as I cowered in the corner of the hallway, eyes squeezed shut and my breaths coming out in rushed gasps. I couldn’t help the shivers that overwhelmed my body; I could barely halt the tears that leaked from my eyes. Why did this happen? I begged to no one in particular. What did my family do wrong? Why do terrible things always occur to us?

          The sound of their screams reached my ears, and I suppressed a sob.

          Anguish hung think in the air as the blood of the innocent spilled to the ground. I recall through the eyes of a child the limp bodies of my parents lying in a pool of their own blood, their hands reaching toward me despite the fact that they were stone dead. Tears dripped from my eyes as I heard the resonance of approaching footsteps. A soldier clad in silver armor entered the room, his sword drawn. Blood drenched the tip of the blade. Through the slits in his helmet, I recognized the maniac eyes of my parents’ murderer.

             I cowered in fear as he advanced towards me, his expression impassive. He admired me through narrowed eyelids and elevated his sword. My death was certain at that point.

             I averted my eyes to my fallen parents. My mother’s luminescent blue eyes, which were once filled with such mirth and vibrancy, were opened and focused on me. Her crimson hair curled around her shoulders and framed her ashen face. Even in death she was beautiful; even in death she looked similar to me. My father, however, focused his eyes on my mother. The blood was reflected in his black hair by the low light, but his eyes were closed, and I would never see his fawn brown eyes ever again. I knew they would not approve of my cowardly attitude; they had always encouraged me to be strong. I will fight to avenge them until my last breath.

             “Die, little princess,” the soldier sneered, a cunning glint in his eyes.

             The sword came down.

             I threw myself out of the way, and the sword slashed through empty air. The soldier grunted at my defiance and slashed at me again. The blade reached my forearm this time and created a deep incision that sobbed blood. I winced in pain.

             “Don’t be so defiant,” he growled and grabbed onto my injured arm. He grinned when I whimpered. “Such a little baby. It’s a pity that I have to kill you now; I would have loved to see you when you’re older and more beautiful.”

             I wrenched my arm out of his grip and retreated back a step He countered my steps with laughter draining from his lips.

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