I'm just a puppet?

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Ouma hasn't shown up for days now. Originally I thought he was just healing or something, but no I don't think it is anymore. I mean he can't be dead though, Monokuma for as souless as he is would tell us if he was alive. The only times I see him in between trials is actually when I think he is planning something, what I don't know but...i'm scared. I don't know why I am for some reason attached to him but I feel the need to protect him from the game.

I feel like I need to somehow save him, that inside there is probably a scared kid. One who needs someone....anyone to talk to. (But that's just a theory, a Saihara theory, thanks for reading....kill me now....)

Ugh at least I know I will probably see him tomorrow because of Iruma's plan to somehow get us all out of the killing game. I still have no idea what she even means by that, unless she (like @Mystic_Melodica wanted.) figured out or made an invention to help us break out of the game through maybe the manhole or something?

I honestly don't have a clue. I hope it's not anything perverted but this is Iruma.....I sighed. Maybe I am just over thinking.

I was about to go to training with Momota and Harukawa when I heard my doorbell ring, don't tell me it's not another motive or the Monokubs...I opened it and immediatly I felt surprised.

It was Ouma. I felt my eyes widen "Ouma?" Ouma rolled his eyes "no it's the tooth fairy, let me in I don't have much time to explain" I was still confused but I let him in and he immediatly shut the door and locked it.

"You do realize I have training soon right?" He clearly didn't care "I don't care, now listen because I will only say this once" I raised an eyebrow, what was he going to tell me?

"Saihara, were puppets. But not just in the way you think we are" he immediately turned to leave but I grabbed onto his arm "wait what do you mean? Puppets how?" Ouma freed his arm.

"I already told you I am not repeating myself, and if you ever tell anyone this you just doomed us all" what? How valuable was this information that just telling Momota and Harukawa would ruin everything?

"Please explain yourself Ouma, I don't understand what your trying to say or why you needed to tell me" Ouma stiffened, as if conflicted about something.

"I can't. But...just remember what I told you, no matter what happens......" he turned once again to leave when I called out "I'm sorry..for what happened to you...for what I didn't mean for you to get hurt.." Ouma stopped again and turned to face me.

"It's ok...if it weren't for what happened things would have played out a lot different...and..." Ouma then sighed, walked up to me pulled my face closer and kissed me. I felt my eyes widen and I felt warmth on my face from blushing.

When we parted he was blushing to "Ouma...why did you kiss me?" This time Ouma ran to the door and swung it open but before he left he mumbled "because that might be the only time I would be able to"

Shocked and confused he left me and it led to the most awkward training session of my life.


I entered my room and immediatly shut the door and locked it fighting the urge to take my anger out on something or someone.

I can't believe. I can't believe I allowed that...that guy into my heart. I can't believe I could ever love such a sociopath!

(I mean I can it's called my collab with @Mikaela307 with our collab account @MikaelaIsNotABear called I'm In Love With a Psycopath which is a great read hint hint nudge nudge)

I can't believe I fell for it. His tears his fears everything must have been some sort of fun game for him, toying with my head to make me actually care about him only to then reveal himself as the true monster he was all along and make me realize how stupid I was for ever trying to understand him.

He literally tricked Gokuhara into killing someone in order to save himself I can't believe how selfish he was....was this what he was trying to tell me yesterday?

It must have been....he was saying I was a puppet for the mastermind- wait....what if Ouma's the mastermind? I mean sure it seems obvious and probably can't actually be but what other options are there? Momota? He defiantly isn't the type. Yumeno? She cried over Yonaga and Chabashira so hard that I really doubt it, Harukawa? Well...I don't believe it, Kiibo? He literally believes in hope more than anyone in the game, Shirogane? Pffft...as if.

Still....I wonder if maybe I'm just mistaken. If maybe this is the act and the Ouma before that was not a lie. But at this point....I don't even know if I can even care about them like I used to anymore.

I finally made the next part...only took....forever....

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