Chapter 63 - Someone Leaked My Pregnancy!

Start from the beginning

"No, we want to keep it a surprise." Luis said. 

"I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt." Lianne said with a smile.

"Yeah and-wait a second! How did you find out I was even pregnant?!" I asked.

"It's all over the news. TMZ had an article and then on Good Morning America they had a segment." She said to me. Luis and I looked at each other as we rushed over to the tv and turned it on. Sure enough, I was on every celebrity news channel that it was leaked I was pregnant.

My eyes widened as I slowly sat down. 

"Wait, you didn't know it leaked Nicole?" Lianne asked as I shook my head.

"No, only me, Luis, Eddie, Kayla, and...." My words trailed off as I connected the pieces together.

"Could it have been our therapist Amanda?" Luis asked.

"No. She'd lose her license if she were to have leaked it herself." I said. Deep down, I knew who it was.

"I'm calling my publicist right now babe. We'll find out who leaked this." Luis reassured me as he began dialing her number.

"And I'm going to leave. Congrats on the baby, I'll talk to Brian about scheduling that dinner tonight." Lianne said as she left. 

I walked upstairs and rushed into the closet, taking off my robe and putting on some maternity pants and a top. My hair was still in its bed head state, so I put it up in a sloppy bun and waddled back downstairs. I had some slides in my hands and I threw them on the floor so I could put it on. 

"Where are you going?" Luis asked me, his phone in his hand.

"To a client." I lied. It wasn't full lie. I was going to see Hailey, who happened to be a client of mine. Only I was going to cuss her out for telling the world my secret! It had to be her!

"Okay babe, be safe." Luis said to me. I sighed. I felt so guilty. Tell him the truth, I thought to myself.

"Actually, Luis..." I started, and he turned around to me. "I'm going to see Hailey. I think she's the one that leaked that I was pregnant. She's scheduled to be at Gloria's Flower Shop right now." I confessed. 

Luis gave me a stare for about five seconds, before going back on the phone. "Yeah I'm going to have to call you back." Luis said before hanging up. "Is it that important, to cuss her out?" Luis asked me.

I sighed. "No." I said quietly, putting my head to shame. "But, I'm hormonal and not thinking straight so it is important." I said. Luis gave one of his judgey, confused looks. "Look, doing a pregnancy reveal was going to be so meaningful to me. For that... bitch to rip that opportunity away from me, is inexcusable! So, I'm going to confront her." I said.

"Wait a minute, you told her you were pregnant?" Luis asked.

"Well kinda. She's had a baby before and knew all the signs of someone being pregnant." I said.

"And how exactly do you know that Hailey's the one that leaked the story that you're pregnant?" Luis asked.

"The most we've told was five people! TMZ said it was someone close to us. Kayla and Eddie knew from the beginning and have kept it a secret. It makes zero sense for it to be your record label. It just has to be Hailey!" I concluded.

Luis then walked upstairs. Great, he was mad. But then, he came back downstairs with jeans and a t shirt on. I stood there and watched him walk past me to the door. "Let's go." He said, as he picked up the keys. I smiled as I waddled over and into the car. Luis put the flower shop in the GPS. 

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