“Honey, wait!” Mom was yelling, but my hand was already over the end call button. There was no way I was going to let Shane get away from me. Plus, the knocking at the front door had turned into sharp, impatient raps. I went toward the door.

 I put the phone back to my ear. “I have to go mom. “ She had started saying something but  I ended the call and put my phone back into my pocket. The knocking had turned thunderous. Was this idiot Bob the builder? Because if I so much as saw a scratch on the door, he was going to fix it.

 I flung open the door as soon as I undid the latch. “For the one who fu--hey mom!” My eyes had gone wide in shock as I saw my mom standing there, her phone still pressed to her ear with one hand and the other on her suitcase.

 She sighed in relief as she put her phone back into her handbag. “I was trying to tell you that I forgot my key.”

 I gave her a wry smile. “Oh.”

 She frowned. “Were you expecting someone else?”

 I shook my head so fast, I’m sure something in my neck cracked.

 “Someone from school?” she pressed, “a boy?”

 “Nope! I just wasn’t expecting you, mother.” I hopped backwards to open the door wider. “Come in.”

 “Honey, why is it so dark in here?”  As she moved  towards the light switch as I plopped down on the couch.

 “Three words mom: dad was here.”  

 The man had closed all windows and curtains, then he’d insisted on me locking the front door. I’d argued that there was no one in this town stupid enough to break into the house after what I’d done to  Uncle Greg when I was nine and obsessed with home alone movies. To prove it, about two years ago, there had been a series of burglaries in the neighbourhood. When the thieves got to our street, they only broke into the houses on the opposite side. They were smart to not even attempt this side for fear they stumbled across this house and me. After all, no one would see trouble before their eyes and still buy it. Dad was still living with us when it happened, yet he still doubted the power of my intimidation…

 When the lights came on, mom gasped as she looked around the living room. “What.. the.”

 “What?” I asked her, surveying the room myself. If you asked me, it wasn’t like the junkyard that was Darren’s room. I’d just made the largest couch my bed, and the immediate floor around it sort of a temporary garbage bin since I couldn’t move around as I wanted. But, mind you, it was the neatest garbage bin I’d ever seen if you asked me. Then there was the center table which accommodated the dishes I’d eaten the lunch dad made me and next to it the stack of books dad had left me from his study.

 “Didn’t this happen yesterday?” she asked, wheeling the suitcase around the books. “Why is there a weeks worth of dishes here? Did you sleep down here last night?”

 “I did sleep here but these are from lunch.”

 “Ay! Just from lunch?” She put her hand to her forehead. “Come on. I’ll help you up to your room.”

 “I’m fine down here,” I said, snuggling deeper into my pillow.

 “Aisha, this room is enough to make anyone go loco. I need to clean up, so…” she took one of my crutches and stretched out her free hand,” ...come on!”

Shane Mason be Damned - A 'My Wattpad Love' Fanfiction-Where stories live. Discover now