Chapter 10 Scarred Body

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AN: Hey everyone! Here is the next chapter to CiR and as I promised far longer than any previous chapter. I hope you enjoy it amd don't forget to leave a comment! :D

Michael sighed as he read his textbook on his little futon on the floor. He glanced at the clock to see it was six am, he looked back at his book and the picture of an Ursa Major. He jotted down a few notes about their armor and brute strength that could send any experience hunter flying. He shut his book and notebook before he placed them inside his backpack, he sat up and leaned against the wall. It had been a few weeks since he appeared in the Emerald Forest and it would be the first time going into town, or at least he thought, with the girls. Since he didn’t have much in the way of clothes they were going to take him shopping though Yang express it was fine for him to walk around in his skintight bodysuit  that he wore under his armor. He blushed at the comment and he could see that the other girls were tempted but Ruby and Weiss quickly changed the subject back to buying clothes in which Yang pouted. He tried to talk them out of it but they wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. Also they had a point since he only had his armor, bodysuit, and a few school uniforms to wear so he gave in.

He grabbed his towel from beside his pillow before heading into the bathroom, it was becoming a routine for him to wake up early to get in his quick shower ever since it took Weiss about an hour to finish getting ready making them all late for class one day. He pulled his undershirt off and turned towards the mirror. He was muscular but lean and his body was covered in scars, most of the large ones were surgical as the nurse told him when he was in the infirmary for blacking out during the fight with Holden. The two large scars on his arms ran the whole length even onto his hands and fingers. He looked down at his feet to see the same precise scars on his feet and individual toes. He looked back up and gently touched the X scar on his right pectoral then the other one that ran over his left shoulder and stopped on the shoulder blade. He turned around and looked over his shoulder at the scar that ran down along his spine, even saw what looked like bullet wounds. What the hell was he doing before he woke up in the forest and found Ruby and Weiss. Was he some sort of soldier… a mercenary… a killer? He also felt different from the other ever since he discovered the scars his first night at Beacon, like he was improved upon… augmented to be something more. He tried to focus on the blurry images in his head but it was no use, he couldn’t remember and it left him with a headache afterwards. He sighed and got out of the rest of his clothes before taking a step back and staring at his scared body, he wondered how the girls could even blush looking at him or how Yang could cat call at him. Also besides all the physical scars, the nurse said he had some mental scars too, scrolls weren’t just meant to read auras, they were meant to track the wellbeing of the user during combat incase officials had to step in and stop the fight. In that moment when fighting Holden, the nurse told him that his scroll had taken a reading of his whole body and found that there was an unusual high spike in Beta and Alpha waves when she reviewed his scroll. She told him he had entered a very high alert meditative state, basically saying his body was moving on its own in a very aggressive manner and that he was forced into the back seat as he relieved whatever event occurred in his mind. He got into the shower and turned the cold water on, he glanced once more at his scarred hands and thought about the silhouette and what he had done to Holden. His body shivered more from his fears then the temperature of the water.

Outside, in the dark of the dorm room a certain ebony haired girl had been watching him from her bed. She didn’t mean to stare but she too wondered about his scars and his sad and confused expression on his face upon touching them. Blake sat up and quickly tied her ears up with the ribbon to hide her ears. She laid back down and turned over in her bed wondering about her mysterious teammate, in truth she had wondered where those scars came from ever since they had saw him shirtless and who would do something like that to him. Then from above her the bed shifted and she watched as Yang’s feet came into view before she dropped to the floor. Blake sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes pretending she had just woken up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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