Chapter Two: Flour Face

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A/N: Um, sorry, but there is some profanity from our dear main character. I'm sorry her vocabulary isn't big enough to use more educated words.

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If I thought a little flour mess was bad, that was nothing compared to the catastrophe in aisle five that just had to explode into aisle four as well. And with old faces making new appearances, I was now sitting on the most uncomfortable chair ever. At least it was better than the floor, but the floor might be softer than this chair that is more unstable than my mental state at the moment.

I was sitting in the small break room with my arms on the table and my back hunched over to nestle my head in my arms. The only one to accompany me and listen to my ugly sobs was Bob. Bob was an overweight man in his late forties. And even if he won the show "the biggest loser" where fat people compete to lose the most weight, he would easily gain the lost weight back with how many potato chips he goes through. I'm honestly surprised he isn't broke yet with how much money he spends on the vending machine in the break room. But who knows, maybe he just chest bumps the machine and everything comes falling to his feet...might be why the vending machine is always empty.

"Aren't you supposed to be working?" Bob asked me.

"Aren't you supposed to actually manage and be a good manager?" I fired back.

He licked the cheeto dust off his fingers. "No need to get'ch feisty. I'll just fire you."

"Oh yeah, and how are you going to replace me? Me the stupid janitor girl. No one in this stupid town wants my sh*tty job. Hell, I don't even want this job, but do I have a choice? No! Of course not! And I'm stuck with it! --"

"Anger issues much?" He said rolling his eyes.

That was it. I stood up, picked up the stupid chair and launched it at his stupid face. If it hit him, I hope it knocked a tooth out or even better decapitated him. But I didn't stick around to watch because I had stormed out in a wicked fury.

»---- ★ ----«

I left in a hurricane of rage and no one was safe from my torrents. An unsuspecting woman and her child came up to me asking where the bathroom was. And even though the little boy looked like he desperately needed to go, I unscrewed the lid to the already shaken soda.


At first the woman was taken aback then she got angry. I wasn't in the mood so I stomped off. And even though she still had the "let me speak to your manager look" she grabbed her child and went searching for the bathrooms.

I traveled through the store on my way to the other break room. It was located at the far end of the store where photos are printed. Before I got there, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Got a little flour on your face."

I whipped around ready to punch whoever it was. But I lowered my fists when I realized it was only the boy who I had a crush on in high school.

"Woah, easy girl. I saw your display back there. You used to be a lot calmer in high school."

"Well, there used to be a lot of things in high school that are now gone."

"Like your crush on me?" He paused to see my flustered, angered reaction. "I'll get you, just you see." He said with smirk and two index fingers pointed my direction. Then he turned on his heel and muttered something about picking up some fruit-rollups.

"Maybe yOU SHOULD LEAVE ME THE F*CK ALONE!" I should've punched him when I had the chance.

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A/N: She will not tolerate male bigotry XD

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