Chapter 5: Reaching Charmouth

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4:00 pm; 5th July 1997; Somewhere over Devon

Colin has never liked flying.

It had initially excited him as an eleven year old back in his first year at Hogwarts, but now, he would rather pass. It's rather paradoxical how he had been the one to suggest they fly to Ernest's. Dennis is flying quite skilfully ahead of him while he is busy lagging behind. Or he thinks Dennis is ahead of him. They are both disillusioned and he cannot quite put it where his brother exactly is.

He feels like he could retch at this moment. Madam Hooch had been quite right when she had remarked that flying was never going to be his forte. Colin cannot help but think of Ginny at this moment. That girl had always been good with a broom and they had so many adventures together. Well, she had been the one adventuring; he had just been snapping photos with his Argus Matchmatic. He remembers how they had used to sneak out together at midnight during their fourth year to go to the Quidditch ground.

He wonders if she ever thinks of him.

Nah, probably not. Not after that 'fight' on the morning after the night he had been stoned with Dean Thomas.

A girl with shimmering, tan skin and long black hair replaces Ginny in his mind's eyes as he continues to speed after his little brother.

Romilda must wonder about him, he's sure. But he would not risk contacting her. Not in times like these. Colin doesn't know what he feels regarding Romilda.

She makes him feel things that he thought had died with the end of his friendship with Ginny.

They had started out as enemies – enemies vying for Harry's attention and now they are in this ugly middle where they had been running an illegal drug trade in Hogwarts together. And they had kissed once – quite passionately. Colin does not know what to make of her.

She makes him feel things he once had felt – no, still feels for Ginny and he does not like this at all.

Romilda is beautiful though – it is a pity he never ever did tell her that.

When will he see her next? When will they talk again?

Suddenly he hears Dennis scream, "Wait!" from somewhere ahead of him.

Colin stops quite miraculously before he could collide with his brother. But obviously, he doesn't know that he could have collided in the first place, since they're both invisible. They are flying near the clouds and it is really hard to breathe.

"What's the matter?" he asks.

"I think we're over Dorset now."

"Oh nice, let's fly to Charmouth, then. Remember, there's a red church at the edge of the town. That's how we identify it. When we get there, we land in the forest and then walk to Ernest's house. Got it?"


And on they go.

6:30 pm; Charmouth

They land in the safety of the forest and remove the Disillusionment Charm from themselves. Colin finally bends over and vomits in some nearby bushes, and Dennis runs his hand over his back in soothing motions. When he is finally back to his senses, he tells Dennis to walk ahead.

The brothers enter the town and head straight for the church. They enter it and while Dennis prays in front of the altar, Colin goes to find the priest to ask for directions to the seaside; Ernest's house is near a hotel called Hensleigh House. The church is quite old fashioned and Colin is really just wandering around when he hears a voice behind him.

"Hello, my child, what are you looking for?"

"Uh, I was just wondering what are the directions to Hensleigh House? Can you please tell me?"

"Of course. It's just a straight road from here. You'll pass through the centre of the town where the baker is at."

"Thank you so much, Father."

Not wasting anymore time, Colin dashes off and pulls Dennis with him on his way out.

They walk for approximately fifteen minutes before stumbling across the baker's. Colin goes inside and buys a baguette; it would not look good to arrive empty handed at Ernest's house. They resume their walking once he is out.

After nearly another ten minutes, they stand outside Ernest's house.

"Well, I hope he's home," Colin says before he rings the bell.

7:00 pm; Somerton

A girl with long, black hair lies in her bed thinking of a boy who probably does not wonder about her. Romilda tosses and turns each night thinking of Colin Creevey. Is this what love feels like? And why is she feeling it for Colin of all people – why not Harry? What is that Potions Boy up to these days? Did he go on the run?

Is he safe?

Romilda wants him to be alive when she next sees him. She wants him to be warm and happy as he lies in her lap and she strokes his soft, mousey hair. She has never been the girl who crushes on boys (with the notable exception of Harry Potter) and this is a wholly new experience.

She remembers the way he had kissed her. It had been so passionate and so unlike the way any one has ever kissed her. She almost giggles as she recounts the scene in her mind – his bewilderment at her knowing his identity during all those times, the way his cute looking lips had puckered up when she showed him his blue Parker pen, the very same pen that she had taken out of his pocket while they had been kissing. She remembers how he had ran – more like sprinted after her as she ran away with it, his goggles and scarf.

Oh God, she's in love, isn't she?

This is messed up.

She is in love with a person who will never love her. She is in love.


"Oh God," she mutters, "please let him be safe and happy and alive."

And mine.

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