Chapter 2: The Brink Of Disaster

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10:30 am; 4th July 1997; Hogwarts

Colin trudges along the stairs as he carries his trunk up to the carriages which are lined in a neat order. He knows invisible beings called Thestrals pull them and he wonders whether he will be able to see them after the war.

That is, if he survives it.


He suspects that Luna can see them; she always did seem one of the more mysterious ones out of the student population at Hogwarts. Anyway, what was he thinking about - Luna Lovegood of all people at this crazy time. He ought to think of his brother and Mum and Dad...

Oh Lord! Mum and Dad...Whatever was he going to tell them?

What could he tell them about his and Dennis's going away? More importantly, how would he tell them?

"You can do this, Creevey," he mutters to himself as he puts his trunk into a carriage. His brother follows him.

"Were you just saying something, Colin?" Dennis asks. His tone seems distracted and hurried, as if he is scanning the teeming crowd for someone.

"Nothing you need to worry about," he tells him and boards the vehicle. "Come on now, we're getting late."

His little brother sighs lowly as he takes his hand and helps himself into the carriage. The other seats are full with some seventh year Gryffindors.

And off they go.


11:00 am; Hogsmeade Station

The place is teeming with witches and wizards as they crowd to get into the Express. Sounds of baggages and trunks banging against each other fill the air with an array of noises. Some warm goodbyes and handshakes occur. People hug each other hoping to see their friends after the break.

People do all these things. But he doesn't.

Colin doesn't have the time. He is busy running away from this place. He first puts their trunks into the train and then he clutches Dennis' hand in his own as he pulls him inside. It doesn't take too much of effort; the teeming crowd effortlessly pushes them inside.

He can't wait to get home and hide away his parents. Dennis does not understand why he is in such a hurry, but Dennis doesn't even know what this elder brother has got up his sleeve. He is just a teen, almost fifteen and he can't fathom what this year is going to bring for him.

But Colin knows. And he knows how to run - he always has. Back when they were little kids, he had known how to come first in those hundred metre sprints. He has not forgotten the skill.

Romilda looks at him from a distance and she gives him a smile - a smile which says, "Don't worry, I have got your secret."


4:17 pm; Platform 9 3/4

When he had been younger, Colin used to call Platform 9 3/4 as Platform 9.75. He had thought that it sounded and looked more cooler with the inclusion of the decimal point.

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