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I must have fallen asleep again for when I woke it was almost midday. I pulled on an old jumper that I had found at the bottom of the wardrobe and used the bathroom before heading downstairs. It was the first time that I had slept properly in an awfully long time and I felt refreshed, though I desperately needed a shower.

Mother was in the kitchen on the phone and she waved to me as I walked in and motioned for me to pour myself some orange juice, which I did.

The television was on in the background, a talk show displayed on the screen, its hosts informing viewers of the weekly events.

I sat myself on one of the wooden kitchen chairs and looked out of the widespread window into the garden. It was sunny out, the sun blaring down harshly.

I took a sip of orange juice and then sat the glass back onto the coaster.

Mother, having finished her phone call, sat down opposite me and took a sip of tea from her mug.

"Good sleep?" she asked

"I guess so" I replied, rubbing at my eyes with the palm of my hands.

"I was quite surprised. I only came up to resettle you once and then you were out like a light. It'll do you good to get some rest."

I nodded in agreement.

We chatted for a while and then I went for a shower whilst Mother did some housework. At two o'clock, the doorbell rang and Mother answered it. Two uniformed police officers followed her through into the living room where I was sat in a dressing gown, feeling much fresher after my shower.

"Mrs Hastings, I'm detective Barlans and this is my colleague PC Marks. We've met before."

I nodded a hello and covered myself with the blanket as they took a seat on the opposite sofa. Mother sat down beside me.

"Can I get either of you a drink?" She asked politely

"No thank you, we've not long come off our lunch break."

The smaller officer of the two, PC Marks, looked at me sternly and spoke.

"Mrs Hastings, as you know, we've been questioning your husband since we brought him into custody and-"

"-Why on earth are you still questioning him? You know full well what that great lowlife has done to my family and now he's sat on his arse denying it all" My Mother cut in.

"Ms Samson, the reason we are here is that Mr Hastings has admitted everything and has agreed to make a fresh statement."

Mother and I looked at each other,shocked.

"What did you do to get him to admit it? Threaten to take his precious motor away? Put him on the naughty step?" Mother scolded.

"Mother it's fine. Please. Continue." I interrupted, feeling the officers didn't need further turmoil.

"We understand you're upset. We don't expect anything less. We have gathered as much evidence as we possibly can-"

"Evidence?! That evil scumbag has ruined my daughters life forever and you're all at the station fiddling about with bleeding evidence?! I ought to come down to the station and sort it out myself!"

Mother shouted, startling the officers.

"Could you wait outside please." I whispered to her

She sighed inwardly, kissed my forehead and then apologising to the officers, made her way out into the kitchen, closing the door firmly behind her.

"I'm sorry."

"No need to apologise. I would be the same if someone did the same to one of my daughters." Detective Barlans said softly and smiled weakly. I smiled back and waited for them to continue.

"Up until yesterday your husband has been extremely reluctant to speak out about what has happened. As my colleague said, we have evidence, but it's also useful for us to have a full statement from him when the court hearing begins."

I nodded.

"From what we have been told by our forensics team, your husband is the main suspect and we now have enough to charge him, but of course, it's the courts decision. Yesterday, Mr Hastings asked one of our officers if he could make a statement and we obviously are very adamant that we will do all we can to see he gets his comeuppance."

"So what's changed?" I inquired, feeling Myron wasn't one for a quick change of heart.

"Guilt I suppose." PC marks returned, scribbling down on a small notepad.

"We are doing all we can to get you justice, Mrs Hastings. For now, he'll be kept at the station. Do you have any further questions?" Detective Barlans asked as they stood.

"No. That's fine. Thank you."

"We'll be in touch. In the meantime, if you do have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We'll see ourselves out."

As they made their way to the door, PC Marks removed his hat and with a hushed tone said "We're very sorry for your loss."

"Thank you."

The officers called goodbye to my Mother and then let themselves out.

Mother returned to the living room with a glass of water and set it down in front of me.

"I can't believe he's admitted to it. I never thought he would. Why do you think he changed his mind?" I asked her, voicing my own thoughts.

"I don't know love. But that's the thing about guilt. It always comes back to haunt you in the end."

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