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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful and enticing house that was made of different kind of crystals and gems. It was owned by a lovely lady whose name was Gothel. She has a very, very, very long hair that made her lovelier. In front of that shining house, a loud cry was heard. Gothel hurriedly went toward her front door and there she saw a baby girl in a small crib. Gothel showed pity on the poor little baby. She decided to take care of her and named her Rapunzel.

As years passed by, Rapunzel grew up as a fine lady for Gothel provided her wants and needs. Rapunzel loved all the things that Gothel provided and even Gothel herself. She really loved Gothel but she hates one thing, one thing that Rapunzel didn't have, Gothel's long hair.

You see, Rapunzel was bald from childhood and would never get a hair as beautiful and as long as Gothel's. It ran through her genes and she was hating it. At their town, the lady who got the longest hair would be the most beautiful lady in their eyes. Though Rapunzel hate being considered as the ugly one since she was bald, she shrugged it off and tried not to mind it.

However, it all changed when a prince visited the shining house.

Once the prince stepped inside Gothel's house, Rapunzel fell in love right at first sight. She thought that maybe a prince could make her feel that she was the most beautiful lady in the whole world. She thought that he would love her too like she already did. However, hatred and envy rose upon Rapunzel when she heard the prince asking for courtship to Gothel. Her blood boiled and let her jealousy from Gothel finally consume her.

She was bald and Gothel got a beautiful hair that shaped her whole being. Of course, no man would like to marry a lady who definitely didn't have hair since birth. She loved him anyway. Hoping she would finally get what she wanted. She loved him that she would do anything to get him, to make him hers, to make him forever beside her. If she had just a hair like Gothel's....

Rapunzel let out a sinister smile. 'Yes,' she thought. If she could just have a hair like hers, then the prince would surely fall in love with her! She thought of a plan that would make her the most beautiful lady in the existence.

Days passed and the prince decided to visit Gothel to ask her hand for marriage. He walked towards the front door then knocked. There was no response. He knocked once again but the only thing that welcome him is silence. This made the prince confused and as well curious. Gothel would never leave her house except if she was going to explore some crystals out of town. He was so sure that he already started scanning the area to find Gothel. He found something fascinating though. It is a tower which height was taller than the mansion but no stairs were around it. Another thing, there was one smell that lingered around the place and made the prince wanted to vomit. He decided to climb the tower nonetheless for it intrigued him on what was in it.

Finally, he reached the window of the tower and the weird smell had gone too strong for his nose so he instinctively covered his nose. He gripped on the handle and went inside.

His eyes bulged out and his stomach flipped when he saw some red liquid all around the place. Some were dried and some were still fresh. Not only that, along with that red liquid laid the feet and arms of a few persons. The owners seemed to be female. The prince grimaced at the sight and couldn't think of someone who could have done this horrible thing. This was cruel indeed. On the other side, he saw the females' body which already doesn't have arms and feet. He almost shut his eyes for the ladies' scalps were skinned and their hair was missing. The prince couldn't identify who the ladies were for their whole face was covered in blood.

He wanted now to get out of this bloody place but something or rather someone stopped him from leaving. He almost fell down and his heart was aching. His eyes couldn't believe what he saw. There, his one and only true love was hanging on the ceiling with her own hair tying her neck.


"Oh my prince charming is here. Do you like my gift?" A girly voice said making the prince turned to her.

The prince couldn't move his body. It seemed like his limbs and muscles were frozen. He met Rapunzel's gaze and she was smiling at him. Smiling like there was nothing going on around them. That was not the only thing he noticed. He also noticed her very, very, very long red hair. As far as he knew, Rapunzel was bald. Along with the hair, there was some red liquid dripping from the hair.

"What have you done?" The prince whispered still not able to move from his place.

Rapunzel gave him a wicked laugh. She told him that she needed hair so she went out to get some. The sad thing for her was they didn't want to give their hair to them so Rapunzel brought them to the tower. One by one, the ladies got their hair forcefully pulled that made their scalps skinned hurtfully. Though they wiggled to escape Rapunzel's grasp. She got annoyed so she chopped their feet and arms with no mercy. Then she continued pulling out their hair.

"And I did that because I love you. I love you to the point that I could make my own hair for you to fall in love with me. So that you wouldn't be ashamed of what I had." Rapunzel pouted then chuckled. She stepped forward to the prince. "See Gothel hanging over there? She would be a great decoration for our wedding day! Isn't she lovely? Hanging with her own hair?" Rapunzel laughed uncontrollably.

The prince gripped his sword overcoming his shock and ready to kill the beast if she had gotten close to him.

"What can you say, hm?" Rapunzel continued as she grinned. She grinned so hard that blood from her scalp starting to ooze out and leak on her face. "Oh sorry about that. I just stitched this hair a while ago so it is still fresh. Don't mind it."

The prince almost puked at the sight but with all of his might he stayed calm and collected. "Stay back, Rapunzel. You are a monster that needs to be contained."

Rapunzel stopped smiling and frowned. "What? A monster? Am I a monster now? All I have done is for you! For you to love me back! Is it bad to make yourself beautiful to impress the one you love? That's unfair, prince!" She grabbed her knife and sped toward the prince. "If you wouldn't marry me, no one will!"


The blood multiplied as it dripped off from the wounds that came from the heart. The heart that was aching and broken into million pieces. The heart that was beating so wildly stopped as it received its punishment. 




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