A New Ally

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Author's Note: Before reading chapter six, I would like to give thanks for everyone favoring, fallowing and reviewing my story: It really motivates to continue this story (and I do apologize for being a lazy bum). Secondly, the Investigation Team will make an appearance in this story long with some P4 Easter eggs in the future (I'll try at least). Thirdly, Akira will be absent for this chapter as it will focus more on the group' interacting and allying with Naoto. Without further ado, here is chapter 6!!! :-D!!

(Me speaking off topic)

Me narrating

"Speaking or Thinking"

Standing before the Phantom Thieves was the original 'Detective Prince': Naoto Shirogane. She still had her short blue hair and her trademark detective cap, but now has a more feminine appearance (She's wearing her 'Dancing All Night' attire). However, there is a feeling of uneasiness with most of the group as she began to speak.

"To think, that my only apprentice would become a fugitive of the entire country. I wonder how that happened." She spoke.

Akechi nervously scratched the back of his neck. "It's a little complicated." He said.

"Um....Can someone tell me who exactly is this lady? Ryuji asked.

"You idiot! She was the first detective prince before I was."

"But she's a woman. So shouldn't she be called 'detective princess' or something?"

"Well, yes but-"

"AHEM!" The two boys stopped their minor bickering and face back toward Naoto, who was the one who cleared her throat. Makoto was then the one to speak next.

"That reminds me: the main reason you found us here was due to our sightings here going public. And using your own to detective skills and your connection with Akechi, you track us down out here in the outskirts of Hachioji. But from the looks of this, you came here alone knowing that most of us would be here without any police associates with you. I must ask though: why are you really here from saying that you want to help us. Shirogane-san?" she asked with a cautious look on her face.

(Play 'Persona 5 OST – Suspicion' now)

Naoto then closed her eyes while giving her an impressed smirk. "You're very perspective. As I said before, I'm here to help. But not only that, I need a confirmation from you all."

"Confirmation?" Yusuke questioned.

The older detective continued on. "I'll start from the beginning. For some time now, there has been a mysterious case of mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns happening to the people of Shibuya. Then by the second half of April, the Phantom Thieves make their debut by sending a calling card to their first target: Suguru Kamoshida." She walks closer to the group. "And since that day, your group had been continuing to 'change the heart' of those who are corrupted or twisted desires: such as Ichiryusai Madarame and Junya Kaneshiro. Am I correct?"

"Uh, yes." Ann answered her.

Naoto resumed her thesis. "And then there leads to the Principle of Shujin Academy and Kunikazu Okumura: Both suffered from mental shutdowns before passing away. However while Okumura was a clear target of the Phantom Thieves, a calling card was found for Principle Kobayakawa after his death. That leading to the public to conclude that the Phantom Thieves were the ones responsible for their deaths along with the mental shutdown and psychotic breakdown cases, and now see all of you as dangerous criminals."

"It isn't true. Someone else had them killed and pinned the blame on us." Haru told her.

"I know that already." The blue haired detective said, which caused the group to grow awe expressions. "There is simply no reason to you all to start killing your targets. Connecting your activities up to that point, your motives were only to force them to confess their crimes and turn themselves in. Therefore, the mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns was not your doing, but the true culprit' with an ulterior motive."

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