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Author's Note: Before reading chapter two, I would like to give thanks to people for favoring and reviewing my first chapter. This is my first attempt to do a full length story, and rewriting the plan was difficult for me for a while. But now I am confident enough to continue this story. Also, I'm making Loki Akechi's final persona while having some other ones do to his wild card ability. Without further ado, here is chapter 2!!! :-D!!

(Me speaking off topic)

Me narrating

"Speaking or thinking"

Masayoshi Shido was currently sitting in his office with the SIU Director (I'm keeping him alive for plot convenience), Ooe (the guy who caused the train accident), the TV Station President and the IT Company President. They were discussing their future plans on Shido ruling the country and the publicity they have been getting ever since framing the Phantom Thieves. However, their discussion gets interrupted when one of Shido's henchman knocks on the door.

"Come in." Shido announced. The man quickly comes in and stand in front of the desk where the politician was seating.

"I apologize for the intrusion, but I have something important for you to see, Sir." He said as he places three photos on the desk towards his boss.

Shido picks up the photos and views them: They were pictures of Akira and Akechi talking in the Leblanc café. He immediately knew the meaning of these photos and then passes them to the rest of his conspiracy.

"How long ago did you taken these?" He asked his henchman.

"About forty-five minutes ago." The man answered. "The boy he was talking to was the one he was supposed to assassinate in the interrogation room. I'd hate to be the one to confirm this, but the leader of the Phantom Thieves is still alive and Akechi is now in league with them."

The conspiracy members then look at him with shock.

"So the little bastard was deceiving us the entire time!?!" Ooe shouted angrily.

"What are we gonna do now? He could have spilled valuable information about us to them already." The TV Station President asked, also sounding angry.

"No need to worry." Shido suddenly replied to him. "You said you have control over the best TV broadcast in the city, correct?"

"Yes." The TV Station President replied.

"Good. Now you two," Shido said as he turned to the SIU Director and the IT Company President. "I need you two to share some files from the interrogation."

"May I ask, what exactly is your plan for this situation?" The SIU Director questioned in curiosity.

The corrupted politician grew an evil smirk on his face and answered: "To make my pathetic son and his new friends suffer."

Today is now November 24. After finishing another TV interview, Goro Akechi then heads to the Leblanc café in order to meet with the team to start the infiltration of Shido's Palace. As he travels there, he makes sure to scan his surroundings and check for anything suspicious. Once he reaches there, he see the entire group in the cafe waiting for him. Shortly after greeting everyone, they all make to the National Diet Building.

"Here we are." Akechi said as they all reach near the front entrance.

"Let begin at once. Police cars are making rounds, so we can't stay here too long." Makoto said cautiously.

"Right." He replied as he took out his phone and said the keywords: "Masayoshi Shido, Diet Building, and Ship".

The app then warped them to the Metaverse.

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