Coming Clean

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Author's Note: Before reading chapter three, I would like to apologize for the long-waiting update: College has been a pain in the ass and I have to study for finals now. I should let you know that this is mostly a flashback chapter; and the 'canon' story will start back near the end of the chapter. Also, I'm making a few changes to Akechi's actions and motives to make him more sympathetic. And once again, special thanks for favoring and following this story. Without further ado, here is chapter 3!!! :-D!!

(Me speaking off topic)

Me narrating

Me narrating flashback

"Speaking or Thinking" in Flashback

(Play  video at '1:42:16' now)

Akechi was standing in front of the Phantom Thieves, with full determined mixed with nervousness on his face.

"Is everything okay, Akechi? You look like you have something big to say to us." Akira said questionably.

"Yes, I do. And I'm absolutely sure you're all are going to feel disdain for me after I explain myself. And considering what I have done, that would also make me very untrustworthy. Not to mention how long I've been hiding this-" The detective prince rambled on, until Makoto interrupts him.

"Let me guess, you're a part of the conspiracy that framed us and you were planning to betray us all along." She said for him.

"HUH!?!" Akechi yelled in shocked, caught off guard by her response.

"We knew you weren't on our side from the very beginning. Did you really take us as fools for not realizing this?" Yusuke said to him with a scowl on his face.

"No! Of course not." Akechi said quickly while waving his hands in denial, and then questioned: "But how did you guys find out exactly?"

"Pancakes." Ann simply replied, but the detective still looked confused.

"When you first met us on that TV show, you said you heard one of us talking about pancakes." Ryuji explained to him.

"Yeah....." Akechi replied, not sure where this was going.

"I was the one who was talking pancakes, the only one that was." Morgana finished with a stern look.

"Oh." The detective bluntly commented, and then slowly widen his eyes once he realized what he meant. "Ohhhh......."

"Yeah, pretty lame acting from the festival, by the way." Ann commented

"Look who's talking." Ryuji mumbled to himself.

"Anyway, since you're coming clean about this, we'll listen to whatever you have to say to us. But we're not trusting you." Akira told Akechi, also stern.

"Reasonable. The conspiracy you all are going up against is led by a powerful man: and he has control over the police, TV stations, and many other organizations in this community." Akechi told them.

"And who is this mastermind you speak of?" Yusuke questioned.

Akechi replied: "Masayoshi Shido." This made Makoto gasp in horror.

"Makoto, you know who he's talking about?" Futaba asked her.

"H-He the next prime minister of Japan!!" She replied in terror, and the rest of the Phantom Thieves look at her in shock. "Akechi, what exactly has he done?"

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