Chapter 2

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No ones pov:

Trigger warnings: nothing

The next day was a school day for Chris so she was preparing for a day at hell. She put on her long sleeved black dress that cut off mid thigh and thigh high black socks that had two thin white lines running across the band of the socks. She slipped on her deep blood red doc martens and put on a matching beanie. Chris put in her nose and lip ring in and then her earrings. She put on a deep pink matte lipstick, and a light smoky eye and eyeliner.
Chris grabbed her patch littered black backpack and ran downstairs and to the kitchen.
"Julia." Chris said as she filled up her traveling mug of coffee, and grabbed a muffin.
Chris's eyes shot over to her mother. She could've sworn for a moment that they were black, but after she blinked it was back to normal.
Chris didn't say anymore, she just walked over to the junk drawer and pulled out a piece of paper then left the house. After she was a good block away from her house she broke into a sprint and went to the park, and climbed up her favorite tree.
She dialed the number and waited for the person to pick up.
"Hello?" A deep voice answered the phone, confusion underlying the word.
"Hello is this Dean Winchester?" Chris asked.
"Who is this?" He asked on guard now.
"My mother told me that if anything weird ever happened to call this number. Um so uh. This morning my moms eyes were black. Like pitch black. And then a second later, they weren't."
"Ok listen kid. Where are you? Are you in your house."
"No. I'm technically up a tree."
"Ok then stay-up a tree?"
"Okay then. Stay there and me and my brother will come there as soon as possible. Where are you?"
"Lawrence, Kansas. Janet park, third tree to the left of the red gazebo."
"....... ok be there in twenty minutes."
"Wait. Your near here?"
"Yes. Be right there. Stay put. And if you see anyone else with black eyes. Run."
"Eye eye Captain Kirk."
They hand up and Chris starts to climb higher up the tree.
Chris's pov:
I lightly swung my legs as I sat on the branch waiting for the strange man coming to "help". How the crap is this man supposed to help me? I might just be going crazy! I mean..... maybe my soul and entire being is reflecting how I dress...
"Which tree did she say she was in?" A males voice says, except it didn't match the one from the phone.
"I don't know Sam! There's like a million trees in this dayum Park!" This voice matches the phone call. I climb carefully down the tree and when I get close enough I hang from a branch, but my arm starts stinging and causes to make an immediate release. I crashed to the ground with a thud and a loud groan.
Both men looked over at me and started walking towards me.
I immediately recognize the man from the restaurant.
"Wait. I know you! Your pie dude!"
"Chris? What the heck? Your the girl who called?"
"Oh nahhh. There's kids in all these trees with black eyed moms. It's the norm around here." I say nodding my head.
"Cool it with the sass kid. So have you noticed anything weird going on with your mom lately? Maybe acting unusual? Mean?"
I shrug my shoulders and place my hands in my pockets.
"My mom is a class a witch. Always been one. Bill isn't exactly mister perfect either. So them acting weird would be being nice to me."
The boys raise their eyebrows at the girl but don't question it.
"What happened last night? Or was it this morning you noticed something?"
"This morning. But last night was normal. Bill came home, for drunk, beat the crap outta me, ma had a few drinks herself, I went to bed. This morning is actually when she acted weird. She called me by my actual name. She hates my name. Apparently it's too male for a female."
"Wait your dad... hit you?" Deans friend asks me.
"Uh Huh. Try and keep up long locks. Now. Can ya tell me what's wrong with the lady I live with?"
"We think she might be... possessed by a demon."
I stare blankly at him and nod my head a little.
"Uh Huh. And I'm having tea with the Easter bunny later. Listen if you thought I was nuts then you could've just said so. God. Good day men! Dean, Marty moose." I bow a little in a sass way and grab my backpack and walk away.
"Hey kid! You can't leave!"
"Really? Cuz you see the thing my feet are doing? Their walking away." I stretch out the last two words and continue to walk to my school.
By the time I make it there I've missed three periods and it's lunch. Great. They've probably already called the black eyed witch. Ugh I'm in so much trouble.
My one and only friend, Jack, was waiting at my locker like usual. We don't have any morning classes together so he must've not heard I skipped.
"SPARROW! OVER HERE!" I shout and he looks at me and laughs.
"Hey Evans."
"Haha very funny you wish."
"Yes I do wish you were Chris Evans."
"Shut up." I punch him in the shoulder and he fakes hurt.
I do an evil laugh and the pretend to stab him the stomach. He drops to his knees and looks at with tears in his eyes.
"How could you? I thought-*gasp*-we were friends..."
I grab his hair and make him look at me.
"Never friends. Only a mission."
He gasps a few more times before dramatically falling to the floor "dead".
"Well that was fun." He says as he jumps to his feet. "Hey where were you this morning? I went to your house to walk with you to school but you had already left. And I couldn't find you in first period either."
"Oh um. I left early. Had to get away from the two nightmares I live with. And then I skipped up until now. Went to my tree."
"I'm offended!! You didn't invite me!"
I grab his nose and squeeze it and he yells. "DONT TOUCH ME HISS!"
"Haha. Anyways. I wouldn't want to ruin your perfect little track record so of course I didn't invite you."
"*hmph* it's not that perfect..." he pouted and I laughed.
"Oh yes it is mister "teachers pet and never missed a day of school since kindergarten" you have a perfect record. Now me-"
"Have a 6.0 gpa and have been accepted to three different-AMAZING-colleges on full scholarship. Even though you purposely miss days and days of school for no reason."
"There's a reason. School sucks."
"Chris... you could lose it all if you keep skipping like this-"
"So what? It's not like I'm going to do anything with my life."
"Christopher Williams to the office. Christopher Williams to the office." The speakers announce.
I groan as I slump over. My mom-the demon-is so gonna Kill me.
"Gotta go Jack. Bai. Goodluck with the boyf!" I shout at him then start running to the office. I almost crash into passing students as I run by but then I make it the the office. I enter the room expecting to see my mom but instead see the two men from this morning.
"Hello miss Williams-"
"I refuse to take that name."
"*sigh* then what would you like us to call you?"
I smirk as I look at the dirty blonde and brunette. "Winchester."
"She wants to be named after a gun ok then. Miss Winchester. Your uncles are here to pick you up for the rest of the day." Says my bald eagle of a principal.
I stare at the men, no emotion evident on my features, and nod my head.
"No school? Psh yeah bruh let's go." I say and walk out of the office. Thinking about this situation, I realize. I'm leaving with two strange men. Hmmm they totally don't seem like two murder crazed men. Not sarcasm. Though I have no clue. WELP TOO LATE IM ALREADY GETTING OUT OF THIS HELL.
The two men exit the office and I follow them out of the building and to a '67 Chevy Impala. Ooo nice car.
"You aren't planning on killing me right?" I ask as we near the car.
"What? No!" Says the brunette.
"Kay cool. Though if you did I wouldn't care. Deeaaatttthhhhh. Sounds. Peaceful."
"Trust me kid. It isn't." Dean says.
"Boooo you ruined my fantasies of peace."
He just rolls his eyes and we all get in the car and head to who knows where.

A/n: HI! So I hope you liked chapter 2 if this story!!! It's really enjoyable for me to write and share my work! I dunno when I'll update next because I don't really have a schedule. I usually will be posting at night. Well anyways I hope you enjoyed the story and please vote and comment!

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