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One day she just knew, ya know??
It suddenly came over her, just an overwhelming sense of knowing.
She didn't know exactly what or how or why...she just KNEW. It was freeing. It was binding.
It was true.
She was Other.
She was of THEM.
It clicked into place and wouldn't let her move.

She tried to be rational. She tried to reason.
It was no use.
Nothing, NOTHING, would dislodge the fact that had come to rest in her mind like a wind-tossed petal on a pond.
Nothing would allow her to unknow.

Weakness. Useless. Equivalent exchange.
Traded off and given away.
Forgotten and left to rot.

It made too much sense. It explained too much.
It hurt. Oh, by the gods did it HURT!!
Power always does though.
Power is a cloak of knives.
It wasn't something she was meant to ever know.

There are rules.
Order is necessary. There must be balance.
That is one of the many tasks...

She could breath fire though. She could fly with the lightning.
The rules were not for her.
She had a different set to follow. Older.
More old than theirs. More intricate.
More tricky and decitful.

She was of them but truly. She was not their kind.
She could have been.
They played their pieces wrong though.
Two. She had always felt that she was two.
Now she knows.
She is two, living in thirds.

Lowered. She's been cast out from her place.
A gift scorned.
Reduced to living among the blind.
She can SEE though. She's always seen. It's driven her to the brink of madness.
They'll like that.
They'll like it until...
No, that's for later. She has time.
It's the long game for her as it always has been.
She will get her full price.
She will laugh at their Tithe.

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