T.wenty F.our

365 11 2

   Day Two– Bachelorette Party

I get changed into a long sleeved maroon colored dress, paired with black gladiator shoes. I braid my hair into two small ponytails. I conclude my makeup with some mascara and lipstick.

I send a text message to Luke and Zayn, in the group chat I've decided to make because texting them in this is so much easier. Heading to the bachelorette party. Miss you guys x

I hear a knock on my hotel room door and I walk over to it, opening it seeing Peyton standing there with her two best friends. I stand in the doorway, taking in the appearances of these girls.

Peyton's first best friend is, Monte Lyon. She has curly brown hair along with a tight silver dress that is hugging her mocha brown skin. Her full lips stained with dark red, and long eyelashes framing her chocolate brown eyes.

Peyton's second best friend is, Zariah Lucia. Her light skin is being covered with a white dress that has two slits down the sides, showcasing the skin with her light brown hair being straightened and her make up being light.

"You look gorgeous Mia." Monte compliments me, and I let out a small laugh because I look more like an elephant every day then 'gorgeous'.

"Let's get going!" Peyton exclaims and I walk out closing the door, before following the three girls towards the elevator. My hand staying on my hip, us three stepping onto the elevator.

"How's your two boyfriends Mia?" Zariah asks me as the door closes and we start heading down the floors. I glance over at her, seeing she has a smirk on her mouth.

"First off, I don't have any boyfriends. They, both, are just friends. Second, they are both doing fine. I've talked to Luke more than anything." I state shrugging my shoulders, and Monte raises an eyebrow.

"What about the other one? The cute football player. I would jump his bones if he was older." Monte smacks her lips together and I crinkle my nose.

Peyton is a year older than my brother, my brother turned nineteen back in December, and my soon to be sister in law is twenty. I always teased my brother about the age difference but he just shrugs it off saying it doesn't bother him. Plus Dylan is in love. He's been seeing Peyton off and on for about two years. He says he's ready to be settled down, and married to Peyton before someone else got to her.

Cute, I know.

"Zayn isn't seeing anyone." I inform her, crossing my arms in front of me. I feel the small bubble of jealousy, probably because.. I'm in love with Zayn. But no one needs to know that.

Zariah lets out a laugh, as she smiles her bright toothed smile which puts us all the shame. The door opens, and us four girls step out heading towards the entrance/exit of the hotel, heading towards the limo waiting for us.

We arrive at this bright colored club, a long line outside filled with gorgeous model looking girls, and toned and muscular guys who seem to be irritated that they have to wait outside. It seems to be crowded and the thought makes me nervous.

"Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you." Monte informs me, her eyes soft and a gentle smile resting against her lips. I offer her a reassuring look, beyond relived she saw me.

We all climb out of the limousine, gaining the attention of some people waiting in the line. I look around the outside of the club, and up at the sign. It's neon pink and green the words being bright. 'lucky dreams'

"I don't want to wait in a long line Pey." I whine slightly, and Zariah lets out a laugh. I give her a confused look, as Peyton turns around facing the three of us and her hands come together making a clapping noise.

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