real life

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elsie rushed to her front door, almost tripping on her living room carpet in the process. she placed a hand on the doorknob, took a deep breath, and quietly swung it open. a soaked, curly headed boy sat on her porch steps, oblivious to the fact that she had come outside. she admired him, hunched over as the rain beat down on his back. she almost missed when this was how her life was - when all she did was watch him from afar, him completely unknowing of her existence. she almost missed not feeling stupid for trusting someone she barely knew, almost missed being just another fan.

╭       imessage ╮     
statistics 💓: would it be rude if i asked you to hurry?
╰    ignore  |   reply ╯

her ringtone gave away her presence, and timothee stood, turning to her.

"maye," he breathed, looking at the girl that made his heart flip months ago, the same girl that taught him how to be unapologetically himself, the same girl he had fallen in love with in the span of a four hour picnic.

hearing him say that name was like resurfacing after being underwater for uncomfortably too long. elsie joined him on the porch steps, ignoring the fact that the rain was now soaking her as well. he smiled that smile that could let him get away with anything.

"fuck acting." timothee stated. elsie's eyes widened. "what do you mean?"

"i mean exactly what i said." he took a step closer to the blonde, their faces inches apart. elsie turned her head downward and eyed the steps below her feet. "fuck acting. i couldn't care less about that career, or the bullshit they put us through. i couldn't care less about my childhood dream. it's not worth it."

"then what is?" elsie asked, meeting timothee's gaze.

"you." he grinned - not a smirk, nothing with any implication of falsehood - a genuine grin, like for once what came out of his mouth wasn't scripted. he raised his hand to the side of her face and she leaned into it, closing her eyes and faintly smiling.

"i'm not going to let you lose everything for me." his smile dropped, but his hand remained on her face. "your career, your dream, your job, and your life as you know it aren't the only things on the line here, tim. saoirse may have been rude to me, but she was trying to keep up the facade and keep everyone happy. she's taking care of her family. she needs this, timmy." he frowned, but understood and agreed.

"you're right. you always are."

"i can wait for you if i have to. i can hold out. but i can't let you destroy someone else's life for me."

her eyes fluttered. the rain had pushed her hair into her face and smeared her makeup, but timothee didn't care. he thought - no, knew - that she was the most beautiful, kind, and intelligent girl he'd ever encountered. he remembered what he did to her, what he had to do, and he hated himself. he wished he had stayed by her side, told corporate to piss off. but he didn't. he could have kept saoirse safe by never even starting this stupid fake relationship in the first place, by disobeying immediately, but fear got the better of him and he caved. looking at her and thinking this, his heart ached, and she could see it in his face.

"it's alright, timothee. i'm alright. we're alright."

"what i did was not alright."

"what you did was out of your control," she said, placing her hand over his that still cradled her face. "and i hold nothing against you for it."

a tear slipped down his cheek, and he mentally facepalmed himself. he was never this sensitive until he met her, and he hated it. he felt her hand wipe the tear from his cheek, and she smiled at him. "it's okay. really."

he pulled her into a hug, crying a little harder into her shoulder. she hated seeing him like this, hated feeling his chest heave as he regretted what he did. he hurt her, yes, but not because he wanted to, and to her, that was everything.

after a few seconds, timothee separated the hug. "i love you, maye." her heart stopped. she searched his face for anything that showed he wasn't serious, anything that gave away that he was lying for her sake, but she couldn't find anything. the air was cold, but she had never felt more warm. she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. his arms held her close to him, and he thanked every potential higher power there was that she existed, that he existed, and that they let them exist together.

when they parted, elsie smiled and nuzzled her head into his chest. "i trust you, timothee." she paused, raised her head, and looked into his eyes. "that means more to me than i love you. i trust you." timothee smiled.

"we need to get you inside. hypothermia's not the move." timothee put grabbed elsie's hand and lead her up the stairs, picking up the blanket she kept on her porch's rocking chair and wrapping it around her shoulders. the two sat down on her couch in her cozy little living room. elsie yawned.


she smiled softly, "you know me so well, chalamet." she laid her head in his lap as she flicked on her television, handing him the remote. he flipped through channels for a few minutes before landing on some movie about a kid with a dysfunctional past finding his place in high school. he began to explain that it was one of his favorites, but noticed elsie had drifted off. he leaned down and placed a kiss on her temple. "je t'aime de tout mon coeur," he whispered, "i love you with all my heart. pour toujours."

authors note !
okay this book is beginning to wind down, so i was wondering, out of curiosity, if i hypothetically were to do a character q&a.... would you guys be interested? like i think they're so cute but i gotta know yall will ASK QUESTIONS. also who would u wanna ask q's other than tim & el obvi lmaodjakdkkd idk i prolly wont do one bc there aren't enough readers i just thought it'd be fun. lmk ur thoughts! ily guys ! thanks for the support and sorry for the long wait my life's been wildin' out recently! ok that's all i'm done bye :-)

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