2. The Power Of Destruction

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When I arrived at home my sister was already awake. I saw her figure dancing happily around the kitchen behind the curtains.

"I'm home, sis!"

"Where were you? I've been waiting for you this whole time! You know, I might be younger but I don't get myself in as much trouble as you do! What were you doing again? And why are you so soaking wet?" she asked, I knew that she was just acting strict. My little sister would always behave fun and immature!

"Hey, don't pretend like you're mom!" I laughed pinching her tiny cheek and ignoring her questions. "Don't act as if you were worried, I saw you dancing happily in the window!"

Now she frowned, slapping my hand away from her face and trying to hide her blush. After a few seconds she asked, "You saw that?"

I nodded.

"But the curtains..."

"I saw your shadow! That's still visible!" I grinned.

"Oh," she continued embarrassedly.

"Oh and anyway," I tried changing the subject, I could clearly see that this made Lucia seem uncomfortable," How is Hope doing? I know I saw him like an hour ago but I want to know!"

Hope was our Exceed, he was yellow and had big green eyes. Unlike the other Dragon Slayers we shared our Exceed because we were blood related.

"An hour? You've got to be kidding me? You left at probably 5 or 6 AM, what you do every morning! And guess what time it is now!" my sister asked me.

"Seven in the morning?" I asked sarcastically, because I already knew it couldn't have been just one hour.

"Seriously? You think that's funny? Now it is 10 AM!" Lucia tried to stay serious but finally bursted out in laughter.

"I am sorry, I just wanted to copy that scene from the book I'm reading, where the grandma starts scolding her husband for coming home late!" she continued laughing. "Anyway, when do you want to head to the guild today?"

I smiled seeing her like that, she didn't seem to have remembered today's meaning after all, at least she wasn't down.

"I don't mind, we can go right now if you want to! Wait, I will just go and change clothes!" I smiled at Lucia.

"Okay, Hope is awake by the way so let's go!"


"Good morning!" I yelled as we smashed the doors open. My sister behaved more calm than usual today but I was crazy, as always when I was with my friends, I immediately ran over to the bar and ordered some breakfast. Natsu was sitting there too, once not fighting with Gray because said boy was on a mission with Erza.

"Oh man! Ice princess is not here I am so bored! But wait, he isn't there to actually annoy me, yay!" Natsu cheered.

I looked around if Gray really wasn't there but my eyes eventually stumbled across something even more special.

It was a girl. She had dark skin and a rosy tint lay on her cheeks. There was also something else. Her beautiful blue eyes, they looked exactly like the ocean, a watery blue. Her hair was curly and dark blue with strands of a lighter blue hair in it. She had tied it in a bun with a dark black ribbon. Her glasses framed her eyes perfectly.
The girl wore casual light blue shorts, a white shirt, white socks and black converse shoes.

She was sitting all alone and just reading a book. I walked over to her sitting down by her side.

"Oi!" I exclaimed.

She looked at me and scanned my entire figure. First she looked me into the eyes, then moved her vision further down to my orange and white striped top, over my black shorts until she reached my red sneakers. She raised her hand and kindly smiled, "Hey!"

"Are you new? Did you join our guild? What's your name?" I asked but realized that my first questions had been completely useless as I noticed the dark blue Fairy Tail guild mark on her right hand.

She smiled at me hovering her eyes over my upper body to see my insignia. I had it on my right shoulder in Orange.

She smiled now again and answered, "My name is Osase, Osase Mizutachi! And yours?"

"I am Kiki, Kiki Atsuki, it's nice to meet you, Osase! So, since you joined, what is your magic and your story?"

"I am a Water Dragonslayer, raised by Mizu, the Water Dragon!"

The moment I heard water I gasped. I just loved water, I'd say, as much as my fire! I mean fire was my element and I loved its beautiful orange- yellow glow but I was fascinated by water as well. I loved its refreshing feel and how you could glide through just by moving your body the right way!

Osase continued,"I lived in a little village when Mizu left me and--"

"When did she leave, oh sorry for interrupting!" I apologized as I noticed that I had just interrupted her.

"It's fine, she left on the 7th July x777! Anyways that's when I started living in a village, a nice old man found me in the forest and took me in, I lived along with him and his wife in the village and I was one of the little amount of people wielding magic, to be honest with you, I think I was one of only three wizards! I often took easy quests along with the other wizards, one was my age and his name was Jacob, who used Light Magic, then there was Hayato, a 21 year old man, who was able to use two kinds of magic, Shadow- and Water- Make! They were really kind people but one day, not long ago our village burned down because somebody had left the fireplace outside on during the night. I tried my best to put out all the fire but most people had already died until I finished... And..."

I watched tears running down her cheeks, and lay a hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, here in Fairy Tail, you'll have another new family, I promise!"

She smiled and said, "Thank you...now tell me about yourself!"

I cleared my throat and started talking, "Well, I might not look like it but I am a Dragonslayer too! I was raised by a female Dragon called Fya. She was my foster mother and taught me Magic! Then, after she left my sister and me, we stumbled across Fairy Tail and joined the guild. I met my old friend Natsu and until today, we are a big family!"

Osase looked at me with big eyes as if she wanted to know more about me, "Do you mind telling me what Element you wield?"

"Of course not! I am a Fire Dragon Slayer! My magic is Fire!"

Soon Osase's face turned disappointed and mad. I wondered why until she mumbled something.


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