Th: we've been through
a lot, huh?Jm: What?
Th: You and me. We
went through a lot
togetherTh: Didn't we?
Jm: Yes..
Th: After everything
I trust you. Do you
trust me?Jm: What do you want?
Th: Do you trust me?
Jm: ... yes
Th: (>ω<)
Th: Then...
Th: Why do you have
a framed picture of
you and Y/N in your
room?Jm: What?
Th: Why?
Jm: Because she is..
Was my best friendTh: You don't have
one of meJm: I have a group
oneTh: Ok.
Th: Why is your
background on your
phone that selfie of
you and Y/NJm: What are you doing?
Jm: Why?
Th: Why were you
upset when you
thought muscle pig
was dating Y/N?Jm: Tae
Th: Why are you
upset she lied about it
when really it wasn't
completely her fault?Jm: Taehyung
Th: We all know you
love herTh: Why were you so
horrible?Jm: Tae stop
Th: You said some
horrible things to herTh: She loves you
Jm: She put me in
the friendzone years
agoJm: So get off my back
Th: That isn't even
possible. It's obvious
you both love each
other.Jm: Well she did.
Jm: And it would never
work with someone
like her anywayJm: That's why she
turned me down.Jm: She's too pretty
Jm: And smart
Jm: For someone like
meJm: She deserves all the
love and attention in
the worldJm: But I can only give
her loveJm: She deserves better
Th: Jimin..
Th: There is no one
better for herTh: Just you. You keep
selling yourself shortTh: ಠ◡ಠ
Th: Geddit?
Jm: Fuck you
Th: No but really
Th: I think you should
talk to her and settle
thisJm: Tae
Th: No arguing. Talk
to her and explain
and tell her your
feelingsJm: ... Not going to
happen. She made
it clear how she
feels about me a
long time ago.Th: Jimin please
Jm: No. I won't
humiliate myself
again.Jm: I'm going to
work outJm: Bye
Th: Jimin!
Th: Park Jimin!
Th: ...
Th: You're so dumb
An: Thanks for the patience and well wishes Bumblys :)
Sorry it's not that long.
For those of you who's questions havent been answered, I will try to answer somw of them soon :)

Texting Chim. || Text 3 || ✔
FanfictionYou've been friends with Jimin for years but he's always been oblivious ©chimchimicorn