Jin Hyung: Are you ok?Jin Hyung : Is this about
Y/N?Jimin: ... Yes I'm
fineJimin: And if you're
asking if I'm upset
with herJimin: I am
Jimin: But that's just
between me and herJin Hyung: Why're you upset
Jimin: Because she
didnt tell me some
thingsJimin: And neither
did JungkookJimin: And it's
made me feel stupidJimin: I'm not going to
talk about itJimin: No offence
Hyung but it's not
anyone's businessJin Hyung: Well it is if you're
upset but okJin Hyung: I'm here if you
want to talk---
Jm: I think we
need to talkBusan2nd: What's up
HyungJm: It's about Y/N
Busan2nd: ... ok..
Jm: Why didn't you
tell me you liked her?Jm: And you pulled a
Tae because you knew
Yoongi Hyung liked herJm: But asked her out
anywayBusan2nd: I talked to
Hyung firstJm: So you and him
spoke about itJm: But didn't tell me
Jm: So I kept trying to
help him with herJm: Do you know how
stupid and horrible I
feel right nowBusan2nd: I'm sorry..
Jm: The pair of you
just let me carry on
without even telling
meBusan2nd: ...
Busan2nd: Well she did
day she didn't like
Yoongi HyungJm: She said she didn't
like any of us and now
she's dating youBusan2nd: I'm sorry I
guess I should have
told youBusan2nd: But really
you shouldn't have
kept pushing her
anywayJm: Fuck you Jungkook
this isn't about meBusan2nd: Well it
kinda is HyungBusan2nd: Did you even
stop to ask her what she
actually thought?Busan2nd: Did you even
ask her who she liked?Busan2nd: No. Cause if
you did you wouldn't
be like this right nowJm: I see.
Jm: I'm done talking
to you.Busan2nd: Hyung!
Jm: Fuck you
Jm: I hope you make
Y/N happy cause she
deserves happiness
more than anyone
else I know.Jm: Including you
Busan2nd: Hyung wait
-message not delivered-Busan2nd: Great
-message not delivered----
Jk: Hyung?
Yg: Hm?
Hs: Yes?
Jk: Jimin blocked
meYg: wtf why?
Jk: He said..
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Jk:
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Jk:
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Jk: I won't bother
with the rest but
you get the ideaHs: ... Oh dear
Yg: Well shit
Hs: You should probably
delete those before Y/N
sees them. She'd be upsetJk: Good idea
You: I already saw them

Texting Chim. || Text 3 || ✔
FanfictionYou've been friends with Jimin for years but he's always been oblivious ©chimchimicorn