Chris took my hand and pulled me to him, looked me in the eyes and told me that he loved me, and that he was happy to be starting a family with me, then he kissed me so passionately like never before. I pulled away after a second, the bacon was burning. He took the frying pan and threw it in the sink, then we both started laughing, and decided to go out for breakfast before going to see my dad. We went threw the drive thru at McDonalds and ordered  pancakes for both of us, with a coffee. Chris stopped by the drug store on the way to the hospital for me to pick up my vitamins, they say I should eat with food.

The hospital parking lot was full, Chris had to park in the over load parking spots.

"Are you going to tell you dad about the baby?" Chris asked as we walked towards the hospital.

"I think I should. It might help him get better."

My dad was doing a lot better today. He was eating, up walking around even smiling, something I have only seen maybe 2-3 times in my life and one of those times was when I told him I was getting married yesterday, and I'm hoping another will be when I tell him he is going to be a grandfather. Chris and I took my dad to the cafeteria for lunch today to get him away from his room, I told him we bought him some new clothes, he insisted we take the back, said he didn't need clothes. He made us laugh, I never knew my dad had a sense of humour, until today. He asked about a wedding, and asked if we would wait until he was sober, I told him I wouldn't have it any other way. When we sat down to eat I thought id ask about selling the house, it will give my dad money to start over when he is done rehab. He liked the idea, he told us the same thing I thought. Nothing but bad memories in that house. Chris offered to hire someone to clean and fix it up a little to sell it for a better price, my dad fought to keep it the way it was, that he shouldn't spend his money on something so broken, but Chris  insisted and told my dad he would get more money for the house.

Then Chris and I looked at each other and agreed it was time to tell him we were having a baby.

"Dad. Chris and I have something we would like to tell you." I put my hand on top of his and smiled.

"Your not making me stay here are you?" He joked.

"No dad, Chris and I are having a baby. Your going to be a grandfather." I waited for his reaction.

"Oh Nancy that's great." He stood up and shook Chris's hand, and then hugged me. I could tell he was trying to fight back the tears.

We walked back to his room and said our goodbyes, I let him know that I would not be back until Monday the day we leave for rehab because I had to pack, and get the house ready for sale. He understood, and promised to stay out of trouble. On our way to the car Chris made a couple calls to people he knew in the area to help with dad's house. When he got off the phone he gave me the details.

"They will start on Monday. They will replace the shingles on the roof, put new windows and siding, inside the will put down new hardwood floors, and paint. The rest just needs to be cleaned." He told me.

"That's a lot of money Chris, are you sure it's ok? Is it worth it?" I asked.

"I'm sure it's ok! And right now your dad's house is only worth about $70.000, but once the renovations are finished, we buy some new furniture, clean up the front and back yard, his house will retail at $150.000."

"Wow, that much? Thank you so much. I love you, and our baby will love you!" I told him.

"I love you both."

Chris opened the door of the car for me and I got in, we went to my dad's first to make sure there was nothing there to be taken out before the workers got here on Monday. I only took a couple photos, and what jewelry was left, then I said goodbye to the bad memories. Chris helped me pack up some stuff at home, I didn't know what to take or what to leave, Chris had pretty much everything all I needed was my clothes which will soon no longer fit, and my personals. I gave my landlord my notice, I also told them I would leave the furniture so they could rent fully furnished and charge more, they were great landlords and like Betty's I will miss it here too. This had been my home for almost 3 years.

It only took Sunday for Chris and I to pack what I wanted and needed to take to New York with me. Chris assured me that my dad's house would be finished when we retired for the motel party.

The next morning I got up and got ready, today was the day my dad leaves for rehab, and the first day I have had morning sickness.

"Are you ok in there?" Chris knocked on the door.

"Yea, I'll be right out." I yelled.

I wiped my mouth, brushed my teeth, and left the bathroom, outside Chris stood looking worried.

"Morning sickness." I told him.

Chris just shook his head, and held me in his arms for a moment. Then we left for the hospital, he already had dad's and my stuff in the car, which was 4 suit cases and a bag. The nurse had my dad ready when we got there, I signed the papers and we were on our way to the airport. My dad has never been on a plane before so he was a little nervous, and I was nervous about starting a new life in New York with Chris, and having a baby.

We arrived in New York shortly after 3, we waiting for our bags then headed straight for the rehab centre. My dad has been sober now for 4 days and the nurse told me he is still fighting his urges but he is ready to get sober. We signed the paper work, and Chris and I help him get situated into his room.

"Your only aloud visitors after your first month here dad, so I'll be here waiting at the door in 4 weeks. Thank you for accepting help, and getting better. We both want you in our life." I told him, leaning in for a hug.

"You take care of yourself, and my grand baby, I'll see you soon." He whispered in my ear.

I cried as I watched his walk into the building and the door closed behind him. Chris held me close, and kissed my forehead. He made me feel loved, happy.

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