"You're the best friend I've ever had you know" Jennie muttered softly with her head resting on Lisa's shoulder, "I know this sounds cheesy but I'm really glad I met you". Lisa didn't respond for a while until eventually she sighed, "Jen...my life is complicated. Complicated in a way I wouldn't even know how to begin to explain, I don't even understand it myself". The older girl lifted her head up to look at her friend, "is everything ok Lis?". The time traveller stared down at her feet that were swinging slowly over the side of bridge, "I'm fine but like don't be worried if one day I leave and just don't come back. If I never come to school and you never see me again, just know that I'm safe and ok and will be thinking about you even if I can't ever contact you". Jennie grabbed Lisa's cheek gently, turning the younger's face so that she had to make eye contact, "talk to me, you're scaring me. Are you in some trouble? Can I help?" she asked pleadingly. She shook her head and forced a smile but it didn't convince the elder at all, there was sadness written all over the brunette's face, "I'm not in trouble, it's just the life style I lead, the kind of person I am. I don't want you to think something bad happened if one day I'm gone, I want you to know I'll be having fun somewhere doing some crazy hippie stuff or whatever" she attempted to say cheerily. Jennie lowered her hand, "like that girl from school" she added. Lisa furrowed her eyebrows, "huh? What girl?". "Olivia, she was a senior and a total hippie like you, she would often leave school hours early like just walk out of the middle of class and hop into some weird rusty truck with these older dudes. Last year she disappeared for good, the school dance was the last time any one in the town saw her. Her friends think she just packed up that night and took off to California with the dudes like she always said she would" the elder replied. 

"That's pretty cool" Lisa said with a smile. Jennie nodded, "yeah, I'd love to have that kind of bravery and free spirit. I hate this town, it's too small". "So leave" the Thai said as she looked out at the racing cars. "I'm too much of a coward" the black haired girl huffed despondently.  

"I just realised" Jennie continued, "I know nothing about you. Where do you go after school?Where do you even live? It's like one minute you're there and the next you're not". "I tell you the interesting bits!" Lisa said in a childlike voice trying to lighten the conversation but the older girl wasn't having it, "Lisa...". The Thai sighed and slowly nodded, "ok ok, I live out of a town with a friend" not technically a lie..."I'd take you there if I could but it's kinda far" also not a lie, just not the truth either.  

Jennie shifted her position on the ledge so she could look the younger in the eyes, "you're so mysterious Lisa and so strange, honestly I would think I was crazy and imagining you in my head if everyone else couldn't see you too". The Thai tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, pretending to be offended but she wasn't really, "how am I strange?". "You say really weird stuff and talk about things like you've seen it all already even though you're young, you're like an alien or something sometimes. That's not even the strangest the thing about you though" Jennie continued, still making eye contact with the other girl. "Then what is?" Lis asked softly. The older girl moved a little closer, "I know nothing about you, I don't really know who you are but I follow you willingly". The brunette gazed intensely into the elder's eyes, "do you trust me?". Jennie reached her arm out, gently tucking a strand of Lisa's hair behind her ear, her finger lovingly grazing the Thai's skin, "with my life". The contact made Lisa shiver as the soft breeze in the air enhanced the goosebumps all over her body, the loud engines of racing cars underneath them did nothing to disturb the tranquillity they both felt, the moon and the stars above them like a shroud.

Jennie's finger trailed from Lisa's cheek to her neck causing the time traveller's stomach to tense, "you haven't had any hickeys on your neck for a while, you not going steady with your boys anymore?". "Going steady?" she asked, puzzled by the 60s slang of the elder. Jennie smiled, "it means dating". "Oh!" she replied snapping out of her little trance, "uh no I'm not, I haven't seen them in a while actually". The black haired girl shuffled as close to Lisa as she could and draped her arms over the younger's shoulders, "so are you interested in anyone?" she asked playfully with a grin. 

Over and Over JenLisa AUWhere stories live. Discover now