- Its all Just Shapes -

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all the text is taken from the NITW game and renamed as danganronpa V3 characters. spoilers for nitw !!
kokichi: you....k-killed....kaede...?
gonta: oh my god
//some guys explaining stuff\\
kokichi: you killed kaede.
//more guys explaining stuff\\
shuichi: oh god...kaede's been down here the whole time.
//guys saying stuff\\
*kokichi pulls out his crossbow
kokichi: which one of you did it!!!
maki: kokichi-
kokichi: she was my friend!!!!
//guys threatenin
kokichi: heh heh
kokichi: what if i get you first?
kokichi: bolt stickin right outta your eye
kokichi: *bang*
kokichi: *baaaaaaaaaaaang*
gonta: you brought guns down here?
//guys sayin stuff
kokichi: i...i...
//guys saying stuff again
maki: kokichi...
//short pause
kokichi: dangit //throws crossbow down
shuichi: your monsters
shuichi: none of this
shuichi: none of this is happening
//shit goes black and into some trippy shit
//the guys: we are not monsters. we do it because we love our home. as long as we keep going this, possum springs survived things *can* get better these mines are gonna be humming again someday old mills puffin smoke you kids don't understand that- we lost what our world was built around. used to be you provided for a family, bought a house. now your stockin shelves at the grocery store. kids leavin more than they're stayin'...no opportunity here. old people dyin, houses left empty you ever seen that? a *home* become a tumbled-in pile of wood and plaster? a *job* become a burned out brick box or a hole in the ground? but we can change that. we can put this place back together, where it won't be just...
shuichi: shapes.
shuichi: i'm going to die down here.
shuichi: why are you telling us all this?
guys: because we're getting old and even with the fringe benefit of good health we need new blood to carry this on when we're gone.
maki: really? you're like, pitching us on this?
maki: were any of you even miners back in the day?
maki: any of you hurting now? financially, like?
maki: or is this just some big costume party murder club for someone's shitty boss who's afraid of dying?
guys: that don't matter.
*maki snorts
maki: it does.
gonta: this is real bad.
kokichi: this is insane.
shuichi: why shouldn't we just call the cops?
guys: and say...what? you saw some men you can't identify in an abandoned mind behind a locked gate and an elevator that won't run? that you saw a...hole?
shuichi: ok fine. why should we help you?
guys: because of no one is here to do this you remember that flood a few years back? you remember the blizzard of 2010? that's what happens. and beyond that the jobs never come back. the kids never come back. everything crumbles. possum springs bleeds to death. and soon we'll all be dead and this town will just be fields and trees.
shuichi: i've...seen it.
guys: i know you have.
guys: i'll understand if you need some time to think it over.
maki: so we can leave?
guys: no ones gonna stop you. but understand that you don't know who we are out there but we know who you all are.
another guy: ain't fair they get to leave and i probably got permanent damage
guys: shut it, eide!
'eide': you don't know a thing about what he wants! what he is!
guys: eide i swear to god
maki: lets go
kokichi: yeah let's seriously get out of here
guys: son, you leave that crossbow.
kokichi: what? why?
guys: well, i could bullshit you but the truth is i just don't trust you.
kokichi: fine whatever. it's a piece of shit anyway.
guys: heh heh.
shuichi: i...i can't move you guys
gonta: i'll carry you.
//they leave
kokichi: my brain is in pieces right now
shuichi: it's all just empty. everything's empty. what are we going to do
kokichi: we'll crack that one when we're far away from here
shuichi: i don't know if i...
gonta: shhh..talk later
//they get in the elevator
maki: old, old stuff in here
gonta: okay i'm gonna have to put you down for a sec, ok?
shuichi: ok
//puts him down
kokichi: so, kaede...
maki: yeah
kokichi: i...
maki: yeah
kokichi: and for what
shuichi: i...i think i get it?
gonta: wow, really?
shuichi: too tired to explain it right now, but like they lost what they thought was gonna happen which was what had happened like a long time ago or how they remember or like picture it and things it gave them...and so kaede and that kid at hardest and... ... sorry, i lost it
gonta: that's more sense than i can make of it
shuichi: they're sad. it's all really sad.
kokichi: you ready to go again, gonta?
gonta: yep. sorry.
maki: wait. everybody shut up.
gonta: what?
maki: shhh. i thought i...
//eide attacks shuichi and everyone tries to save him, gonta saving him by moving the elevator down
//a sad scene of shuichi and kokichi is seen which killed my heart
maki: holy god.
gonta: is everyone ok?
kokichi: shuichi! shuichi!
kokichi: shuichi!! say something!!!
shuichi: heh. heh heh heh. heh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
kokichi: ha ha ha ha
shuichi: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
kokichi: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
maki: why are we laughing.
shuichi: ha. heh. *sniff* *sob*
kokichi: dude. it's ok now. we messed that guy up and he's not coming back. you're gonna walk out of this.
maki: so how are we getting out of here?
kokichi: shh. let shuichi rest.
gonta: i feel air coming in from somewhere soooooo we're not gonna suffocate!
maki: ok well that's a relief.
kokichi: how do you...?
gonta: i was a scout, kokichi. i was a scout.
kokichi: hey gonta.
gonta: yeah?
kokichi: i love you.
shuichi: d'aaaaaaaaaaaw
maki: welcome back, shuichi.
kokichi: you ok?
shuichi: better now that i almost got murdered. again. which is...weird. *cough* that was like the third time in 2 days?
kokichi: third times the charm.
gonta: guys the airs coming from back here...
shuichi: alright, i'm up.
maki: you sure?
shuichi: yeah, i think i can walk at least.
gonta: it's boarded up. a loooooong time ago.
kokichi: can we get through?
gonta: lets find out.
shuichi: lets...get out of here...

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