- Robot Chocolate -

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Requested by my IRL friend!!


Miu was working on something for Kiibo, when she heard a knock on the door. She scooted towards it, and opened it slightly, "Whos there?" She growls. "Ah, it's me, Iruma.."Kiibo, "Oh, uh, hi!" She said, scrambling to the doorway to block the view. "Whatcha fuckin need?" The vulgar inventor asks the robot, "C-could I ask for another function?" "What the hell else could ya want? A fuckin dick?" She teased him a bit, putting her hands on her hips. "St-stop, no! I-...aghh, I want a cleaning function!" Kiibo said, looking away for a moment before turning back to Miu. "Why the hell would you need that?!" "I wanna help Tojo!" He says, looking the inventor in the eyes. She rolled her eyes and sighed, "Fine. But don't come bitchin to me when you don't want the cleaning shit anymore." Miu ran in ahead of him and hid the thing she was making for him.

"Sit where ya normally lay for this shit. Your gonna get so much cleaning stuff maids'll be all the fuck over ya bein slutty n' shit." She teases again, sticking her tongue out at him as she got what she needed. "St-stop teasing me! I'm sure no one but you would do that!" "M-me?!" She squealed. Kiibo realized what he said, and looked away quickly, a blush of embarrassment spreading across his face, "I-I'm Sorry! I-" "Shut it. It's damn fine." The vulgar girl said. "I definitely would be the only slutty girl doing that to you~" she snickered as he got more flustered, "s-stopp iiitt!!" He groaned, a bit annoyed. "Fine, fine, ya pussy."

"Iruma, are you almost done?" He asked her. She'd been adding the cleaning stuff for about an hour and a half now, sweating a bit, "Whaddya think? In a million fuckin years." The inventor asks, giggling quietly. "Actually, kinda yes. Your taking q-quite a while!" He states, looking at the clock, and then back at her. They stared at each other for a moment, before she broke the gaze, blushing slightly

"Whatever. I'm almost done, so shut your ass up and let me finish." "A-ah, okay, okay!" He says, looking away. Finally, she finished adding everything and said, "There. Done. Now go play with your fuckboys til they ditch ya." "Thank you, Iruma!" He said, smiling. Her face darkened into a flustered look as she huffed and turned away, "I-it's not a pr-problem, yknow? Y-you can come by...any t-time.." she muttered the last words. "Well, see you soon!" Kiibo said, waving as he left the talent lab of the inventor, "Bye!" She called back. Once he left, she ran to get the gift she was making for Kiibo. Slamming it down on her desk, she took the things she needed and got to work.

"Aaaand...done!...Damn it looks like fucking shit!! Whatever, he better like it.." Iruma said to herself. She picked it up, and began walking to Kiibo's room. She pasted Saihara, Ouma, Amami, Akamatsu, and Momota and Harukawa in the halls as she made her way to his room. She told them all what it was, and they nodded. Miu had made him special food he could taste, since apparently he really wants to taste stuff. She'll give him that function one day. For now, this is the beta. Once she got to the door, she knocked.

"Who is it?" A voice called. "Your bitch! Open up, I got shit for ya!" She heard him take a moment before walking to the door, and opening it. She shoved it in his hands, and he took it. The box was shaped like a heart. There were chocolates that he could eat and taste in it. He opened the box, and took one between his fingers. The inventor took it out of his hands, "I-Iruma, I cant ea-" while he was talking, she shoved it in his mouth. He ate it, and his eyes widened. "I-I can..." "you caaaaan?!" "I-I can taste it! And eat it!! It's good Iruma, it's good!!" He yelps, obviously very happy. So happy. Like he just found out he beat cancer or something.

"Yep! That's your damn gift that I was making when you showed up a few days ago!" She said. What surprised her is that he hugged her, making her quite flustered. "Your the best, Iruma! Thank you so, so much!!" He yelled, bear hugging her. Iruma hesitated for a moment, but hugged him back slowly, "N-no problem..."


Sorry it's so short, but this did take awhile to type! Hope ya enjoy this chapter!!


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