Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 9

Start from the beginning

I sighed in contentment. "Your soo cute" I told him, reaching out to brush some hair from his face. I loved the silky hair, but he really needed a way to keep it from falling in his eye's.

He scowled at me "I am NOT cute" he grumbled.

"Adorable then?" I suggested.

He glared at me. Then playfully, he sprang forward, tackling me back onto the couch. The position we ended up in was him straddling my chest and his hands pinning my shoulders to the couch. His legs were on either side of me. Considering he was tiny, it'd be easy to push him off, but I didn't bother considering he was beaming down at me in triumph.

" Ha-ha" he gloated.

I smirked "That wasn't very smart"

His face screwed up in confusion "Why not?"

"This is why not" I said, my arms wrapping around the backs of his knee's so he no longer had the possibility of escape. His face flared up with even more color. "You blush a lot" I teased, then let one of his legs go so I could pull him down towards me. My lips crushed down on his soft one's.

He pretty much squeaks in surprise, but doesn't pull away or try to. He simply starts kissing me back in his feathery soft shy way and it feels soo damn good. My tongue slides forward and licks along his bottom lip, begging to slid into the warm delicious cave he calls a mouth.

He pauses in kissing me back to consider. Then slowly, he opens his mouth. When I slid my tongue in quickly, trying to deepen the kiss, he practically choke's and I have to fight hard not to laugh. I mellow the kiss slightly, letting him recover.

Clearly he's new to kissing and all it's glory, but I don't mind, because despite his inexperience, he's very good at it. We kiss for long while until curiosity tugs me away from his lips. I let my mouth trail away from his, along his jaw, onto his neck.

I feel him shudder, and hear a slight whimper which only encourager's me. I pick a particularly good spot and begin sucking the tasty skin of his neck. After an eternity of this, he starts to push me away. I let him, but pout up at him.

"Sorry" he says, sounding slightly shaky. "I'm not used to this" he runs a hand through his hair.

I lean up to give him a slight peck. "Yeah sorry" I say sheepishly, cuz I'm not really sorry. I don't think I could ever be sorry for kissing him.

He sits up, still on my chest. "I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend like you" he says dreamily. But there's something in his eye's, like he's waiting for a certain reaction from me.

"Technically, we're not boyfriends" I point out.

His eye's flash with hurt but something else, like I've confirmed what he's been thinking. My grip tightens on him. "We probably shouldn't be making out then, Tristan. I'm not a slut" his tone is glum, and does not at all carry it's normal sound of happiness.

I once again pull him down and into a kiss. His lips don't respond to mine in anyway, and the kiss is short. "Your only not my boyfriend yet, because I haven't asked you to be. I was getting to that"

He looked down at me sadly, but with something like a glint of hope in his eye's. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask him, and feel happy all over when his face transforms into a huge smile. He leans down and kisses my cheek, then rolls off me.

He bites his nails. "Jessie?" I prompt.

He drums his fingers against his legs. "I don't know Tristan" he says playfully. "How do I know if I like you or not? I'm afraid if you want to be my boyfriend you'll have to take me on a first date."

I laugh. "Your joking, right?"

He shake's his head smugly. "Nope. You see Tristan I've never been on a date." then he grins wildly. The little bugger! But my thoughts are endearing, because I'd be honoured to take him on a first date. An idea flashes through my mind. "Alright Jessie, but it's going to be a surprise where we go"

"No way!" clearly he's not in agreement with this idea.

"Yep. I'm afraid so."

"How will I know what to wear, and how much money to bring?" he protests.

"Your not bringing any money, and just dress like you normally do. We're not going anywhere fancy."

"I'm not bringing any money?" he sounds puzzled.

"No your not, because if you're my boyfriend, I'm paying for you."

He snorts. "Not going to happen"

I frown "you not going to be my boyfriend?"

"No, your not going to pay for me"

"Oh, we'll see about that"

He snorts. "Nice hickey" I tease.

He looks down and splutters, seeing the bright purple-pink hill of skin on his neck above his collar bone.

"You sooooo did that on purpose" he accuses.

"Maybe.." I reply, eye's glittering.

Your My Dream (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now