)Not sayin' nothin'.( I grinned and skipped away.

"What's with the skipping?" Kakashi was standing by the stove, waiting for water to boil.

"I can't skip?" I asked, cocking a hip.

"I didn't say that. I'm just wondering what's got you so cheerful."

I shrugged, blushing lightly, "It's a secret!"

"..." He stared at me.

"What? Your tea is boiling over, by the way," I said cheerfully, Shira coming to a stop at my feet.

The shinobi jumped, swiftly turning off the heat and grabbing the kettle. He poured two mugs full, then replaced it.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" he asked, dropping onto the couch with his drink.

"Don't know. I thought that was your job." I shrugged, taking his mug.

He frowned at me, then took the other cup from the counter.

"...Maybe I should get the mail..." He headed for the door. "Back in a minute."

"'Kay!" I called after him, throwing my feet up onto the couch, sipping at my tea.

My neck prickled suddenly, and I glanced around. I felt like I was being watched.


I flew off of the couch, water surrounding my hands as kunai stuck in the couch where I had just been.

My eyes widened when I saw Shira entangled with vines, restraining her.


I dove forward, throwing water spikes at Kyona.

"Heh, you're fast," she spat in a venomous voice.

"Or you're slow," I remarked, standing straight.

She growled lowly, "You're going to die, right here, right now, because of me!" She shot forward, plants erupting out of nowhere.

I dodged her and the plants, using my water to block some.

She snarled at me, stabbing at me with one kunai and trying to punch me with the other.

I blocked as well as I could, though I was being pushed back to the wall and she caught me in the stomach a few times...

I managed to disarm her, and she started with hand-to-hand combat, seeming to have used all of her weapons.

We rolled around on the floor grappling with each other, knocking things over. I somehow ended up under her, her hand clenched around my thoat.

I couldn't concentrate to get my water to work, nor gain control of her plants.

I managed to slip a shurikan out of my pouch, and slashed her arm deeply with it, her hand going limp.

I shoved her off, gasping for breath as she got even more angry, shooting her plants at me.

I blocked them all with a thin shield of water.

This won't last long...

I looked around frantically, my eyes brightening as I found the source of her plants, but I was abit confused. The plants were coming from her. Her hands, more specifically.

Alright then...That's one down, one to go...

"What is up with your hair? I mean, seriously, it's neon green," I taunted, dodging several strikes. If I can just get her close enough...

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