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There were just two things wrong by the end of the day.
1, I...I tried to kill Aniko.

2, Thanks to Kakashi, she was still...ALIVE!!!

3, I am really jealous.

Aniko had snatched Kakashi from his place unhitching the wagons at the first available opportunity and was now flirting with him openly. He stood there, looking uncomfortable and trying to get her to take the hint.

Meanwhile, I had sent Shira to fetch firewood while I searched the ground for water, muttering profanity to myself.

I pressed my hands to the ground harder, still not feeling any water.

WTH MAN?!?!?! WTH?!?!?!

I stood and kicked the ground, hard.


I turned and stommped into the forest, and quickly got back in position, feeling much more controlled.

I easily drew the water out and into the jugs.

I then sat against the tree and played with a wildflower. I made it bloom, and then rewinded the process.

This is more fun than it sounds!

"That's a weird flower."

I looked up, finding Kakashi crouching in front of me, his eye fixed on the flower.

"Yep." I looked back at the flower... "Hmm..."

"What?" he questioned.

"I wonder if..." I trailed off, slowly getting ready to pounce.

"If?" he prompted.

"You'd be angry with me if I..."

I crouched, "Did this!" I launched myself at him, tackling him backwards and into the small pond I had created.

He broke the surface, sputtering, "Yes, I would be angry. Now my mask is all wet..."

I grinned evilly, "Kakashi, what would you do if I stole both of your masks?"

"How did you know I have two? And please don't. I'd hate to have to kill you. You amuse me." He stared at me, warning me with his eye.

I flopped down on my butt and pouted. "Meanie!"

"Call me whatever you like, but I'm not taking off the mask(s)," he said. "I only take them off on very special occasions."

I sighed again. "Whatevs," I grabbed my containers and started to drag/lift them back.

The the downside of being small...

"How's that working out for you?" he asked, amused.

"Just peachy," I grumbled, still managing to lift/drag them.

"Give me those," he said, snatching them from me and hauling them ahead and into the camp.

"Jerk..." I plopped back down on my bottom, and sat.

FIve minutes later, he was back, staring down at me in bemusement.

"Did you get lost?"


"Come on, do we really need to do this again?"

"... ... ...."

"Alright, you asked for it." He picked me up and flung me bodily into the, now muddy, pond.

I screeched bloody murder, and quickly stumbled out, shouting profanities at the, now, sprinting Kakashi.

"You #$%@^&#! GET THE #@(% BACK HERE!" I Shouted, chasing him into the clearing and back again.

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now