Chapter 29

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I was instantly and unceremoniously shoved under the bed, Kakashi standing protectively in front of the spot I was at.

A body flew past the doorway, flecks of red drifting in a trail behind it. I cowered down in my hiding place. Takeo's back appeared in the doorway, the sillhouette of another man fighting him visible intermittently as the two struck at each other.

"Bastard!" Takeo spat, a small explosion throwing both men away from each other. I took a deep breath, trying to think of something. The dark haired shinobi had crashed into the bed above me, Kakashi having dodged around him and resettled in a defensive stance; blood dripped down the younger man's leg as it hung over teh edge of the bed, and I forced my eyes away.

"Give me the girl, and there need be no more bloodshed," the attacker hissed, the voice distinctly male through some kind of mouth piece. He wore a dark cloak over his clothes.

"No," Kakashi said simply, flicking his headband away from his eye.

"Then die." The enemy flung two shurikan at Kakashi, which circled around him, binding him with chains of some kind.

"Nice try." The bound figure disappeared in a ouff of smoke, Kakashi himself standing behind the shinobi, a kunai to his neck.

The man hissed, eyes darting around wildly. He disappeard a moment later, seeming to melt into shadow.

"That's new," Kakashi muttered, spinning just in time to catch the enemy's strike on his kunai, deflecting it. He flipped backwards, kicking the man in the jaw as he went. Resettling, he rubbed the back of his neck. "That kind of stings, jerk."

A frustrated sound came from the shinobi, and he melted into shadow again.

"That won't work twice," Kakashi muttered, reaching out and grabbing something invisible to me, flinging the whatever it was to the ground.

The enemy flashed back into the visible spectrum, rolling out of the way of the kunai Kakashi threw at his neck, passing within a few inches of my hiding place.

Thinking fast, I tore open the box of bombs Takeo had gived me and lightly placed one on his neck.

"Kakashi, get down!" I screeched, grabbing his ankle and knocking him to the ground.

"What th-"


I slammed my hands over my ears, rolling away. When I looked up again, I almost fainted.

There was blood everywhere. Kakashi was covered in the stuff, along with everything else. It dripped from the walls and slowly oozed closer to me.

"Yech!" I screeched, moving back, further under the bed.

Good thing I made Pakkun dust under here...

Kakashi groaned, stirring. His hand lifted to his ear.

"Wh-what did you do?" he groaned, slowly getting to his feet.

"Birthday present fromTakeo," I choked out.

He didn't react, merely shook his head experimentally and looked around. He bent to look under the bed at me, a questioning expression in his eyes.

"Blood," I moaned, hiding my face in my hands.

"Can't hear you. Thumbs up if you're okay."

I threw him a thumbs up, then pointed at the blood.

He nodded, then withdrew, the bed creaking as he shook Takeo.

The younger shinobi whimpered, muttering something about his leg, then seemed to snap out of his daze, as he staggered to his feet, leaning heavily on Kakashi as his left leg buckled.

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant